Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gangs 聚眾

Fourteen sparrows rest on power line.
Ducks gang together.

"Look at the birds! They don't worry about what to eat-- they don't need to sow or reap or store up food-- for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are." (Matthew 6:26) These pictures and Bible verse remind me that I am in His hands. God will provide what I need in His time.

「你們看天空的飛鳥: 牠們不種、不收、也不存糧在倉裏, 你們的天父尚且飼養牠們! 你們的價值豈不是遠超過鳥兒嗎?」(馬太6:26) 這些相片和經文再次提醒了我活在祂的掌握中。 神會及時給予我所需要的一切。

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pictures Of The Day 今日照片

I got these fringe benefits from this morning's walk. 今晨運動的額外收獲。

Two grasshoppers. 兩隻草螟(蚱蜢)。
One caterpillar. 一隻毛毛蟲。

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

91 Years Young 九十一歲

We love you , Mom.
願 媽媽 康壽999...
At 91, my Mom reads Bible, sings hymns, writes, walks,... and prays for all her families and friends. Do not think she is well. She has blood disorder; her faith to God sustains her in her misery. May God bless Mom!
足齡91歲的媽媽讀聖經, 唱聖詩, 寫字記事, 走路運動, ... 爲親族家人和認識的老朋友們代禱。可別以爲她好好的, 其實她患有血免疫不正常。每天依靠着對上帝和主耶穌的信心過日子。祈禱上帝賜予她堅定的信心和力量往前行。

Read more 相關貼文身
Birthday Party 生日聚會
93rd Birthday 九十三歲生日
Walk And Kick 邊走邊踢
92 Years Old 九十二歲
Happy Birthday 91st 生日快樂

Happy Birthday 生日快樂

Happy Birthday, Mom!
恭祝 媽媽 生日快樂!
Longevity bun-peaches, pork noodle, and cake for long life.
壽桃, 壽麵, 和壽糕賀壽。
Birthday Card from 91 years young Sylvia said, "Hoping you have many more happy healthy years, maybe 10 more."
同齡91歲略長數天的施唯雅寄來賀卡說: 「祝你健康, 長壽再加十多年。」

More 看更多
Birthday Party 生日聚會
93rd Birthday 九十三歲生日
Walk And Kick 邊走邊踢
92 Years Old 九十二歲
91 Years Young 九十一歲

Monday, November 16, 2009

Google Translate 谷歌翻譯

Kent and Grace commented in English about my Grandsons and my Mother's 91st birthday.
I tried using Google Translate tool to translate them into Chinese. I was amused at the Chinese translation. The translation was way too far off. We can not trust computer translation especially Google's, just treat it as a joke.
康德和葛瑞思用英文留言對我的孫子及母親91歲生日回應。我試用谷歌翻譯工具從英文翻譯成中文。譯出來的中文真是離譜得太遠了。將「壽比南山福如東海」譯成那麼樣, 叫人哭笑不得。電腦翻譯還是難採用, 尤其是谷歌的翻譯工具, 就當笑話好了!

Foggy Morning 晨霧

Sirtea was enjoying the morning fog. The fog finally lifted.
And the flood water receded yesterday.

茶翁在欣賞着矇矓的晨霧。 不久濃霧就消散了。

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fall Colors 秋葉爭艷

Beautiful autumn view. See leaves changed from green to so many colors. Pictures were taken between November 1 and November 15, 2009.

我們家多彩多色的秋㬌。看看從2009/11/1 到2009/11/15 間樹葉顏色變化的進展。

Sunbathing Turtles 曝日龜

Today is a sunshiny day. There are two turtles sunbathing, one at side is submerging in water.

晴天出大太陽, 烏龜都出來。圖中二隻烏龜正在日光浴, 另一隻在旁就要潛入水中。

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lake Level 湖水漲

After continual rain, the ground soaked wet. Our county's drought restrictions were lifted. The lake's water level rose to higher than usual. Lake water back flooded in through the drain holes. We are on a small hill. We don't have flood problem, but this picnic area. And this rarely ever happened.

連續下雨, 土壤都濕透了。鄉鎮也已經取消乾旱用水限制。湖水漲得比往常高, 從泄水出口反灌入湖邊休閒的地方。我們家位於小丘上, 不會有水氾, 僅僅這一小部份。這也是非常罕有的事。

Tiny Pigs 超小豬

Newborn mini pigs, have you seen them before? The hairs stand up all over its body. They are called arrow pigs. Cute, very cute.

看過這種剛出生超小的箭豬嗎? 有趣的是它們身上的毛髪是站立起來。非常可愛的小箭豬。

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