Sirtea 茶翁

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這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Kyrie Eleison 祈求上主憐憫 Lord Have Mercy



Niúiok Tâioân Kitok Kàuhōe Tâigí Chúji̍t Lépài

Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York Sunday Worship Service


獻詩 Anthem - - Mass in C (no.7) C 大調彌撒Kyrie 祈憐經  

            by Charles Gounod     黃博書、方耀群、李頴華

 Kyrie, eleison. 祈求上主憐憫 Lord, have mercy.

 Christe, eleison. 祈求基督憐憫 Christ, have mercy.

 Kyrie, eleison. 祈求上主憐憫 Lord, have mercy.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish給愁煩人悲傷的人快來 Hō͘ chhiûhoân lân...


Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish 給愁煩人-悲傷的人快來 Hō͘ chhiûhoân lâng-Pisiong ê lâng khoàilâi


Niúiok Tâioân Kitok Kàuhōe Tâigí Chúji̍t Lépài

Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York Sunday Worship Service


Anthem: Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish.

Sing by Sisters Choir

獻詩: 給愁煩人-悲傷的人快來


HiànsiHō͘ chhiûhoân lâng-Pisiong ê lâng khoàilâi

Chímōe hiànchhiù

Come, Ye Disconsolate, where’er ye languish,

Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel;

Here brings your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish:

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.


悲傷的人快來, 無論從何處,

快到施恩座前, 虔誠屈膝;

呈示創傷的心, 細訴你悲哀;

世上的憂愁, 天上都能解。


Pisiong ê lâng khoàilâi, Bôlūn tùi toūi,

Khoài kàu siin chō chêng, Khiânsêng khutchhê;

Thêngsī chhòngsiong ê sim, sèsò͘ lí piai;

Sêsiōng ê  iuchhiû, Thiansiōng long ē kái.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish 給愁煩人-悲傷的人快來 Hō͘ chhiûhoân l...



Niúiok Tâioân Kitok Kàuhōe Tâigí Chúji̍t Lépài

Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York Sunday Worship Service


Anthem: Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish.

Sing by Sisters Choir

獻詩: 給愁煩人-悲傷的人快來


HiànsiHō͘ chhiûhoân lâng-Pisiong ê lâng khoàilâi

Chímōe hiànchhiù


Come, Ye Disconsolate, where’er ye languish,

悲傷的人快來, 無論從何處,

Pisiong ê lâng khoàilâi, Bôlūn tùi toūi,


Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel;

快到施恩座前, 虔誠屈膝;

Khoài kàu siin chō chêng, Khiânsêng khutchhê;


Here brings your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish:

呈示創傷的心, 細訴你悲哀;

Thêngsī chhòngsiong ê sim, sèsò͘ lí piai;


Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

世上的憂愁, 天上都能解。

Sêsiōng ê  iuchhiû, Thiansiōng long ē kái.


Come, Ye Disconsolate, where’er ye languish,

Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel;

Here brings your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish:

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.


悲傷的人快來, 無論從何處,

快到施恩座前, 虔誠屈膝;

呈示創傷的心, 細訴你悲哀;

世上的憂愁, 天上都能解。


Pisiong ê lâng khoàilâi, Bôlūn tùi toūi,

Khoài kàu siin chō chêng, Khiânsêng khutchhê;

Thêngsī chhòngsiong ê sim, sèsò͘ lí piai;

Sêsiōng ê  iuchhiû, Thiansiōng long ē kái.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

聖詩587 我呣知明日會怎樣 Góa m̄ chai bêngji̍t ōe cháiⁿiūⁿ I Know Who Holds Tomorrow


紐約台灣基督教會2024/06/16 父親節聯合聖餐禮拜

Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York Father’s Day Joint Communion Service

男士們獻詩Anthen: Men’s Choir

聖詩587   我呣知明日會怎樣

Góa m̄ chai bêngji̍t ōe cháiⁿiūⁿ

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow



Góa m̄ chai bêngji̍t ōe cháiⁿiūⁿ,


Chú chhōa lō͘,  góa bián tamiu,


Góa bô kiû ta̍kji̍t hó ji̍tkng,


Ū sî chūn o͘ àm oh tng;


Tùi chionglâi góa chhiongmóa ǹgbāng,


Chú pósiú tekkhak úntàng,


Góa ta̍kji̍t kap Chú tâng khapō͘,


I chai góa thâuchêng lō͘tô͘.




Chōechōe sū bêngji̍t ōe lîmkàu,


Chōechōe sū ohtit bêngliâu,


Góa chhim chai Chú chiángkoán bêngji̍t,


I khan góa chi̍t lō͘  kiâⁿ thàu.



Góa m̄chai chionglâi ê ji̍tchí,


Sī iaugō,  ásī siongpi,


Kìjiân Chú ū iúⁿchhī chiáuchiah,


I iā ōe hō͘  góa kàugia̍h;


Tī thâuchêng suijiân ū chúi hé,


Ū chhìliān iā ū khó͘poe,


Taⁿ ū Chú ínchhōa góa lō͘chām,


I póhuih kā góa jiakhàm.




Chōechōe sū bêngji̍t ōe lîmkàu,


Chōechōe sū ohtit bêngliâu,


Góa chhim chai Chú chiángkoán bêngji̍t,


I khan góa chi̍t lō͘  kiâⁿ thàu.


I Know Who Holds Tomorrow


1 I don't know about tomorrow;

I just live from day to day.

I don't borrow from its sunshine

For its skies may turn to grey.

I don't worry o'er the future,

For I know what Jesus said.

And today I'll walk beside Him,

For He knows what lies ahead.

(Refrain)Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand

But I know who holds tomorrow

And I know who holds my hand.


3 I don't know about tomorrow;

It may bring me poverty.

But the one who feeds the sparrow,

Is the one who stands by me.

And the path that is my portion

May be through the flame or flood;

But His presence goes before me

And I'm covered with His blood.

(Refrain)Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand

But I know who holds tomorrow

And I know who holds my hand.

Monday, June 3, 2024

獻詩 Anthem 詩篇23篇 Psalm 23 獻唱李雪珍 作曲蕭泰然 伴奏賴李煦煦


Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York Sunday Worship Service

獻詩 (Anthem)  詩篇23 (Psalm 23)  

獻唱: 李雪珍  作曲: 蕭泰然  伴奏: 賴李

Monday, April 1, 2024

I am the bread of Life 我是活命的餅 Góa sī oa̍hmiā ê piáⁿ


I am the bread of Life  Góa sī oa̍hmiā ê piáⁿ 我是活命的餅

E.M. Choir 英語部聖歌隊

指揮Conductor: 賴李煦煦  伴奏Piano: Joy Song

I Am the Bread of Life


1 Solo: I am the bread of life;

they who come to me shall not hunger;

they who believe in me shall not thirst.

No one can come to me unless the Father draws them.

(Refrain): And I will raise them up, and I will raise them up,

and I will raise them up on the last day.


2 Solo: The bread that I will give

is my flesh for the life of the world,

and they who eat of this bread,

they shall live forever, they shall live forever.

(Refrain): And I will raise them up, and I will raise them up,

and I will raise them up on the last day.


3 Solo: I am the resurrection;

I am the life.

They who believe in me, even if they die,

they shall live forever.

(Refrain): And I will raise them up, and I will raise them up,

and I will raise them up on the last day.


4 All: Yes, Lord,

we believe that you are the Christ,

the Son of God who has come into the world.

(Refrain): And I will raise them up, and I will raise them up,

and I will raise them up on the last day.

音樂 Music 紐約台灣基督教會復活節聯合聖餐禮拜 Taiwan Union Christian Church Easter Joint Co...




Taiwan Union Christian Church Easter Joint Communion Service

240331上午 10:30am

Because He Lives 因祂活著

耶穌真正死復活 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today

I am the bread of Life 

祂來唱仁愛 He came singing Love

Far beyond our mind's grasp 超過阮的想像

G.F. Handel   Andante from Handel's Messiah 

基督復活! 唱和撒那! Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!

祝禱 Benediction

Christ Arose! ..

Monday, March 25, 2024

戴主誠牧師 講道 「從十字架到復活 」

紐約台灣基督教會 240324主日禮

戴主誠牧師 講道「從十字架到復活  


Heavenly Father’s grace is truly great 天父恩典真正大 Thiⁿpē untián chinchiàⁿ tōa

Hiànsi “Thiⁿpē untián chinchiàⁿ tōa” 獻詩 「天父恩典真正大 」 Anthem “Heavenly Father’s grace is truly great” Tôaⁿchhiùⁿ: Tân Soanhùi Lāusu 彈唱: 陳宣卉老師 紐約台灣基督教會 Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York 240324主日禮 拜 Sunday Worship Service Thiⁿpē untián chinchiàⁿ tōa, Ji̍tji̍t te ínchhōa, 天父恩典真正大,日日在引導, Bôlūn hongéng iā pêngchēng, I long té chòphōaⁿ. 無論風浪也平靜,祂攏在做伴。 Lán tio̍h sǹgsiàu I ê un, Ji̍tji̍t ēng ūchhun, 咱當算數祂的恩,日日用有剩, Hō͘ chaihō kanlân pìⁿchiâⁿ hoaⁿhí, Hoânló pìⁿ hokkhì. 使災禍艱難變成歡喜,煩惱變福氣。 I tekkhak ínchhōa, Hō͘ lán untián long bôsoah. 祂的確引導,給咱恩典攏無息。 Khui lán ê sim khoah, Pêngan hokkhì ū chianī tōa, 開咱的心闊,平安福氣有這呢大, Lán tio̍h oló, Khui siaⁿ gîmsi, Hō͘ thiⁿtē longchóng saⁿkap hoanhí. 咱當讚美,開聲吟詩,給天地攏總相與歡喜。 Anthem "God's Grace is Truly Great" by Teacher Chen Xuanhui God's grace is truly great, guiding us every day, No matter how rough the seas, He is always by our side Let us count His blessings, using them daily with abundance, Turning disasters and difficulties into joy, turning troubles into blessings He truly guides us, His grace never fades Open our hearts wide, and peace and blessings will be abundant, Let us praise, sing songs with joy, Bringing happiness and joy to all. *(AI Tool Translate)*

Sunday, March 17, 2024

上帝超過風雨和大海 Siōngtè chhiaukòe hong hō͘ kap tōahái


Tôachhiùⁿ: Tân soanhùi Lāusu

“Siōngtè chhiaukòe hong hō͘ kap tōahái

Ū sî goán ê sengmiā chhinchhiūⁿ hong,

Ū sî goán ê sengmiā chhinchhiūⁿ hō͘;

Ū sî goán ê sengmiā chhinchhiūⁿ soaⁿ,

Ū sî goán ê sengmiā chhinchhiūⁿ hái.

Chhun khì chhiu lâi hoe khui hoe siā,

Honghō͘ hâm kankhó͘ chóngsī ōe kòekhì.

Chhun khì chhiu lâi hoe khui hoe siā,

Bílē kap chhengchhun choânpō͘ chhinchhiūⁿ hûn.


Ah! Hong hō͘ kap tōahái lóngsī sèⁿmiā ê sekchhái,

Ah! Hong hō͘ kap tōahái lóngsī Siōngtè ê chúcháiⁿ.

Che sī Siōngtè ê sekchhái m̄ thang lâi oànthàn,

Chiiàu ǹg chiân kiâⁿ m̄bián kiaⁿhiâⁿ

Che sī Siōngtè ê sekchhái m̄ thang lâi oànthàn,

Siōngtè chhiaukòe hong hō͘ kap tōahái


獻詩 (Anthem) 「上帝超過風雨和大海」 

彈奏:  陳宣卉老師




春去秋來 花開花謝,風雨和艱苦 總是會過去。

春去秋來 花開花謝,美麗和青春 全部親像雲。


啊! 風雨和大海 攏是生命的色彩,!  風雨和大海 攏是上帝的主宰。

這是上帝的色彩 毋通來怨嗟,只要向前行 毋免驚惶!

這是上帝的色彩 毋通來怨嗟,上帝超過風雨和大海!