Sirtea 茶翁

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Monday, March 25, 2024

Heavenly Father’s grace is truly great 天父恩典真正大 Thiⁿpē untián chinchiàⁿ tōa

Hiànsi “Thiⁿpē untián chinchiàⁿ tōa” 獻詩 「天父恩典真正大 」 Anthem “Heavenly Father’s grace is truly great” Tôaⁿchhiùⁿ: Tân Soanhùi Lāusu 彈唱: 陳宣卉老師 紐約台灣基督教會 Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York 240324主日禮 拜 Sunday Worship Service Thiⁿpē untián chinchiàⁿ tōa, Ji̍tji̍t te ínchhōa, 天父恩典真正大,日日在引導, Bôlūn hongéng iā pêngchēng, I long té chòphōaⁿ. 無論風浪也平靜,祂攏在做伴。 Lán tio̍h sǹgsiàu I ê un, Ji̍tji̍t ēng ūchhun, 咱當算數祂的恩,日日用有剩, Hō͘ chaihō kanlân pìⁿchiâⁿ hoaⁿhí, Hoânló pìⁿ hokkhì. 使災禍艱難變成歡喜,煩惱變福氣。 I tekkhak ínchhōa, Hō͘ lán untián long bôsoah. 祂的確引導,給咱恩典攏無息。 Khui lán ê sim khoah, Pêngan hokkhì ū chianī tōa, 開咱的心闊,平安福氣有這呢大, Lán tio̍h oló, Khui siaⁿ gîmsi, Hō͘ thiⁿtē longchóng saⁿkap hoanhí. 咱當讚美,開聲吟詩,給天地攏總相與歡喜。 Anthem "God's Grace is Truly Great" by Teacher Chen Xuanhui God's grace is truly great, guiding us every day, No matter how rough the seas, He is always by our side Let us count His blessings, using them daily with abundance, Turning disasters and difficulties into joy, turning troubles into blessings He truly guides us, His grace never fades Open our hearts wide, and peace and blessings will be abundant, Let us praise, sing songs with joy, Bringing happiness and joy to all. *(AI Tool Translate)*

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