Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Take A Peep 偷偷地看

This morning I was able to take 3 videos: 1st. a baby rabbit, 2nd. a love couple, 3rd. a family- mother and 13 ducklings.

今早真巧拍攝到三段影片: 1. 一隻小灰兔, 2. 一對親熱水鴨, 3. 一隻母鴨帶13隻小鴨出遊。

I first saw this baby rabbit 3 days ago. It, I didn't know its gender, allowed me to get close to within 6 feet. Finally, it was scared off by a laud water sound.

2 ducks made love in the lake. You could hear the female duck crying.

I posted "Bedtime" yesterday. This morning I saw this mother with 13 youngsters set out to the lake.

Teach English 教英語

The best English teaching method.
Do not pass this. Let's go.
Sorry, you have to know Chinese to appreciate it.

最有效率的英文教學法, 包學會的。
不看可惜, 開始吧!


Termite Inspection 白蟻檢驗

The termite inspector gave us an OK report.

(舊識新知) 讓台灣出名的白蟻
(FYI Source: Wikipedia)
The Formosan subterranean termite acquired its name because it was first described in Taiwan in the early 20th century, but C. formosanus is probably endemic to southern China. This destructive species was apparently transported to Japan prior to the 17th century and to Hawaii in the late 19th century (Su and Tamashiro 1987). By the 1950s, it was reported in South Africa and Sri Lanka. During the 1960s, it was found in Texas, Louisiana, and South Carolina. In 1980,
The Formosan subterranean termite is often nicknamed the super-termite because of its destructive habits. This is because of the large size of its colonies, and the termites' ability to consume wood at a rapid rate.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One Chinese Army 一個中國軍隊

Is Taiwan KMT Army a division of The People’s Liberation Army (China)?!

Media on both sides of the strait have reported that in a function several days ago Brigadier General Luo Yuan of the People’s Liberation Army quoted a high-ranking retired officer from Taiwan as saying, “From now on there is no distinction between the KMT Army and the Communist Army, it is all one Chinese Army”, a remark that triggered an uproar when it was filtered back to Taiwan. (Source: Taiwan News)

(引用蘋果日報 即時2011年06月08日)

(引用中央社即時新聞CNA News 2011/06/08)

※喝台灣水吃台灣米的親中政客軍人, 請回去你㥃念念不忘的中國吧。你們是叛國賣台的投機份子。我們不要那些投共的台奸匪徒。覺醒的台灣人請用你們的選票選出願意爲台灣打併的人。
噢! 中華民國早就是中國的一省; 所以國軍、共軍,都是中國軍隊。都是一家人還打什麼; 美國還敢賣武器給台灣嗎?

Bed Time 來睏啦

Duck mother said, "It's time to sleep, get ready, clean yourself up."

鴨母說:「該睡覺了, 快把自身攏乾淨, 排好安心睡, 我就在身旁。」

Chih-Chuan moving 稚川移居圖

"Chih-Chuan moving" painted by Wang Mon in Yuan Dynasty.




Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Plane Accidents 飛機失事

Oop! My God. Dare to ride? Yes.
噢, 我的天啊! 還敢搭乘飛機? 當然啦。

(Internet Message)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sun Yat-Sen & Ma Ying-jeou 孫逸仙與馬英九

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen had two birth places.



這推翻了兩岸一般史料的孫中山出生於廣東省香山縣(今中山縣)翠亨村的說法。(參考資料: BBC中文網 2011年6月6日美歷史檔案)

孫中山先生出生何處是不爭之笑談;但是, 中華民國和對岸中華人民共和國都在編撰騙人的歷史資料故事是存在的事實。

馬英九先生至今尚未公佈美國移民局已經註銷的綠卡証明。既然國父是美籍, 總統擁有綠卡或歸化美國籍又有何羞於讓人知的! (請參考: Pres. Ma's Green Card 馬英九綠卡) 而「一中各表」是馬英九和中國國民黨騙台灣國人的, 馬先生早就把台灣變成中國的一省了。

【附件】: 中華民國國父 孫中山先生遺囑
── 孫中山《遺囑》(1925年3月11日)

Rice Dumpling 燒肉粽

110606 Dragon Boats Festival
Rice Dumplings for this special occasion.


(Pictures from Rev. Chuang forward email. 轉載圖像)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Save Taiwan 救台灣

One Taiwan

One China
Two Separate Nations


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