Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Everything Is Fine 事事稱心

Everything is fine, be happy.
一切順心, 萬事皆好。

This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.
今天是神造的日子, 我要歡欣來渡過它。

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cuba & Taiwan 古巴與臺灣

(From 轉載自由時報網路版)
◎ 羅榮光



另外一則令人鼓舞的消息是旅居美國紐約的王愛蘭醫師,經由世界台灣人基督教會協會向世界改革宗教會聯盟(World Communion of Reformed Churches)提案,要求聯盟支持台灣加入聯合國,得到台灣基督長老教會總會的協助,該聯盟「公共議題委員會」通過建議案,要求執委會致函聯合國,表達台灣有權平等參加聯合國和其他國際組織,並且該委員會也表示關切中國對台灣獨立的限制(China’s restriction of Taiwan’s independence)是一種強權壓制小國的行徑。





Friday, July 23, 2010

A Prayer Request 請代禱

From: Daniel Hung
To: Sirtea
Date Fri, Jul 23, 2010
Subject: Lily`s operation
主旨: 請爲百合姊手術代禱

Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
I am very sorry to burden you with another urgent prayer request. My wife Lily`s uterus began to droop 4 years ago. But she just ignored it until this month. It affects her urination and big duty. This week she went to see a gynecologist at the hospital where I receive chemotherapy and radiation therapy and the gynecologist decided to operate on her to remove her uterus on August 18, Wednesday. Please pray for Lily. May the Gracious Lord have mercy on her so that the operation may be successful. May the Covenant-keeping Lord grant her sufficient grace and a speedy recovery.

I need Lily to continue to take care of me at home and at hospital while I am hospitalized for chemotherapy, which lasts three days each time. I have gone through 8 times of chemotherapy and have four more times to endure. I receive chemotherapy every other week. The chemotherapy has virtually eliminated the small tumor in my liver, thank the Lord, but the 2 cm large tumor in my lung remains the same. So my oncologist decided that I must continue chemotherapy to deal with the lung tumor. Three months ago I finished the first stage of radiation therapy for my rectum ten minutes a day for 29 days before the 7-hous major operation to cut out the cancerous rectum. Now I am on the second stage of radiation therapy, 25 minutes a day for 20 days to deal with the lung tumor.

The Ultimate Physician, (Exodus 15 :26) the Holy Spirit, heals diseases through medical treatment or directly when medical treatment is not effective. Therefore, Lily and I need not only medical treatment, but also the healing power of the Holy Spirit. That`s why we need to pray and trust the Lord and that`s why we need your supplication, your precious prayer support. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus and in His Word, His promises. The Lord Jesus is our strength and refuge. He knows what He is doing. Let me repeat the short hymn by Al Smith: “I know who holds the future, and I know He holds my hand; with God things don`t just happen, everything by Him is planned.

So as I face tomorrow, with its problems large and small, I`ll trust the God of miracles, Give to Him my all.” Though I resigned from my church work on Jan. l, I still have to do lots of miscellaneous things for the church at home and at our chapel as our church has not found a Reformed preacher to succeed me. Please pray for our church`s need. I don`t preach on Sundays as I don`t have the strength to preach or visit church members, but I make phone calls. Thank you for spending your precious time praying for us. Thank you for your care, concern and encouragement and Christian love. May the Lord richly bless and reward you and your family. May the Lord bless your church.

Gratefully yours in Christ,
Daniel M. Hung, still in the lions` den, still on trial in the days and years to come.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Smiles 微笑

Theses pictures make me smile, smile, smile, ... then laugh.
這些相片讓我不禁會心微笑, ... 笑出來, 笑哈哈。

Laugters 笑料養性

My medicine for today.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feet For Hands 無手用腳


*Oxford and Cambridge have now decided to remove the words CAN'T and IMPOSSIBLE from their dictionary*

Jessica Cox, 25, a girl born without arms, stands inside an aircraft. The girl from Tucson, Arizona got the Sport Pilot certificate lately and became the first pilot licensed to fly using only her feet.
Jessica Cox of Tucson was born without arms, but that has only stopped her from doing one thing: using the word "can't."
Her latest flight into the seemingly impossible is becoming the first pilot licensed to fly using only her feet.
With one foot manning the controls and the other delicately guiding the steering column, Cox, 25, soared to achieve a Sport Pilot certificate. Her certificate qualifies her to fly a light-sport aircraft to altitudes of 10,000 feet.
"She's a good pilot. She's rock solid," said Parrish Tarweed, 42, the flying instructor at San Manuel's Ray Blair Airport.
Parrish Traweek runs PC Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Services and has trained many pilots, some of whom didn't come close to Cox's abilities.
"When she came up here driving a car," Traweek recalled, "I knew she'd have no problem flying a plane."
Doctors never learned why she was born without arms, but she figured out early on that she didn't want to use prosthetic devices.
"Success is not something to wait for : it is something to work for.”

Monday, June 28, 2010

100628 Morning

This morning we went to Mimi's Cafe for beakfast.
After breakfast, we went to visit Snyder's of Hanover factory store.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bible Museum

We went to the Antique Bible Museum in Goodyear, AZ.
An antique Bible
The smallest complete Bible.
There are diffierent versions of antique Bibles displayed including copy of a clay tablet, and the lunar Bible that went to the moon.

Out Of Town

Busy, busy, and busy.
*Second round of travel 2010.
My wife and I arrived in Dallas on June 22 to visit our 1st son's family.
We arrived in PHX on June 26 to visit mour daughter in Goodyear. We will be with our 2nd son's family in Surprise. Ha, Town of Surprise. Yes, Surprise, a lot of surprises.
I thank God for the gifts of our children and grand children. They are our precious blessings.

Friday, April 23, 2010

New $100 Bill 新百元鈔

U.S. Government unveils new $100 bill to foil counterfeiters. The new bill includes watermarks and an embedded security thread and will go into circulation in February 2011.
U.S. currency holders/users do not have to trade in their older design $100 notes when the new ones begin circulating.

持有舊鈔的人不必要換新鈔, 新舊鈔票將同時流通使用。