Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa Claus 聖誕老翁

O Christmas tree, Jesus the Lord was born for you n me;
O Christmas tree, Let us all honor Him with praise n glee.
O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree!

啊! 聖誕樹, 救主耶穌爲贖你和我降世;
噢! 聖誕樹, 吾神慈恩浩大萬民同讚頌。
噢! 聖誕樹! 啊! 聖誕樹!

Santa Claus (↓→1) will not be here until eve of Dec 24. This young couple (→2) waited under the Christmas tree for their gifts. The duck (3) stood at the fireplace looking up chimney for her present. Then, she (4) went outside to check. Hey, duckies, did you mail your letters to Santa?
聖誕老公(上圖左1)12月24夜才會到訪。這對情侣(左2) 在聖誕樹下等禮物。她(右2) 站在𤩹爐前抬頭找禮物。(右1) 找不到只好到外面等了。喂!鴨鴨, 給聖誕老公的信寄了嗎?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let's Pray-4 請一齊禱告-肆

For prayer request, please use the tool on left "Prayer Request 請代禱". Or, post your request on this "Comments 回應留言".
代禱事項, 請用左側「Prayer Request 請代禱」。或者留言在此則「Comments 回應留言」裡。
PS. Five prayer requests on this post. See all Prayer Requests.
註: 此波士可有五則代禱事項。看全部的代禱事項

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tamkang University 淡江大學

I dreamed about my Alma Mater-Tamkang University last night. Recently, I read about her on Rev. Chuang's Blog (A much diversified blog, I recommend.) He mentioned about their visit to Tamsui on Thanksgiving Day.

To quench my thirst, I searched and found some pictures on the internet. The university grew so big. In my memory, I can only recognize the famous slope steps, the classic lanterns, and unique palace classrooms. I hope I will be able to visit again in person soon.

昨夜我作夢回到我的母校-淡江大學。可能是最近在莊牧師-這是我的部落格, (一個值得推薦內容豐富的部落格。) 看到他們重遊淡水及夫人母校的報導- 感恩節的聚餐

這個夢老在我腦中恍。於是上網搜看淡江的照片。淡大本校區闊展得我都難認了。幸好還可看到天天爬上爬下聞名的克難坡, 古典的街燈, 和宫殿式的教室。但願我能盡快回去舊地重遊, 重温年青時的往事。

Autumn Walk 秋日漫步

Sirtea and his shadow walked on fall leaves.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Flyers 空中飛

Weather changes so fast. We had tornado warning yesterday. Today, we got sunny blue sky.
A helicopter and an eagle flew over my head. I enjoyed this beautiful day.

天氣變化多端。昨天龍捲風警報, 今天出太陽碧海晴空。

Sign Post 告示板

The sign beside the staircase reads "Beware of Stave". What stave?

樓梯旁的告示板中文「小心梯級」, 對照的英文寫成「小心棍棒」搞烏攏啦。

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weather Alert 氣象警告

We had a tornado warning this afternoon. TV weather forecasted a severe thunderstorm would pass through our area between 3:30PM and 4:00PM. With heavy rain and strong wind, the storm passed without touchdown. TV News reported only minor damage. Thank God.

今天下午三點時電視插播龍捲風警告。氣象台預報: 三點半到四點之間強烈的暴風雨將經過我們住家附近。幸好一陣強風暴雨掃過而未觸地, 新聞報導没什麼損傷。感謝上帝!

In Fashion 新潮流

New Fashion in Shanghai, China. This lady strolled down busy street in Shanghai City in pajamas and slippers. Look like not many people pay attention to her!? 上海服裝新流行。這位女士穿著睡衣拖鞋閒逛上海街頭。其他的行人好像不會欣賞她的新創意。真是見怪不怪!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This Morning 今天早上

I took these pictures between 7:30Am and 9:30AM this morning.

The Sun, the fog, and sun's reflection on water.
朝陽 ,晨霧, 和水上映像。
The frost and water elephant ears.
秋霜和凍傷的水竽。 Morning thick fog. 濃霧茫茫。

Butterflies 104 蝴蝶集錦

Butterflies collection 104 蝴蝶集