Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dear Anonymous 敬愛的無名氏

我退回你的留言, 因爲內容涉及私人資料隠私權,而且你又不具名(具名也不可涉隠私)。
我修改後登出於此, 下不爲例。
茶翁上 090815 下午3:35
Dear Anonymous,
I rejected your comment due to privacy matter. I edit and post it here.
-Sirtea 090815 3:35 pm-
請弟兄姊妹爲臺灣洪姊妹代禱: 能夠重回到教會的事工跟主日聚會。她雖已受洗, 但多年忙碌於工作跟學業已漸失去教會的聯繫。感謝弟兄姊妹。我是潘師母的教會姊妹。願 聖靈常與你們同在。阿們. 無名氏 8/15 11:45am (茶翁英譯)

(Chinese to English by Sirtea) Comment:
Brothers & Sisters, please pray for Sister Hung in Taiwan that she would come back to Sunday Service and church activities. She is a baptized Christian. She lost her association with church due to work and schooling. Thank you all. I am a member of Ms. Pan's Church. May Holy Spirit be with you! Amen. -Anonymous 8/15 上午11:45-

Email From Taiwan 臺灣來函

Dated: Sat. Aug. 15, 2009 at 10:25 am
Subject RE: Please Pray For Taiwan

Thanks your email dated 08/13 & 08/14.
1. We already forwarded the message 08/13 to our friends. (Pray for Taiwan)
2. We are extreme grief for 090808 Taiwan water disasters; the situation in the afflicted area is serious, the whole village was washed by mud. Most of Taiwanese people are so disappointed for slow rescue, neglect of duty & clumsy excuses..... But we are so proud that Taiwanese are so kindness, compassion, & brave to relieve victims of the disaster by self-salvation. Many people volunteer to go to aid the suffering... May God bless Taiwan!
3. New Comments as follows:
"The Salad Lunch & Fig Products dated 08/05 must be very delicious taste. We suggest that you can publish a recipe in Cookery. The sales volume should be great. "
- Kent & Grace - 2009/08/15
(English to Chinese by Sirtea 茶翁中譯)
日期: 090815(六) 上午10:25
主題: 請爲臺灣禱告

1. 我們已將你8月13日「請爲臺灣禱告」一文轉寄給朋友們。
2. 臺灣090808 水災, 我們感到𣒝端的傷心。災區災情十分嚴重, 整個村莊被山水泥土沖埋掉。大多數的臺灣人感到非常失望: 政府救災啓動慢,不盡職失職, 笨劣的卸責發言,...等等情形。但是我們自以爲傲: 臺灣人慈悲心懷,慷慨解囊,而且很多人自動志願參與救災, 無外助自救。願神保佑臺灣!
3. 新留言: 「8月5日營養午餐及無花果製品一定可口誘人。我們建議你編印食譜必定會暢銷。」
-Kent & Grace - 2009/08/15

Money Flowers 金錢花

Money Flowers 金錢花

Visitors 訪客

Insects 昆蟲

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yellow Ducklings 黃色小鴨

(Recycle 回收再用)
Yellow ducklings are very cute. That's why all the toy little ducklings are yellow and eye catching. Unfortunately, their yellow color will change to white after a couple of months.
There are white ducks or ducks with yellow bill, no yellow ducks.
Even if there is one which is rare to find.
黃色小鴨實在很可愛(玩具小鴨都是黃色的)。可是幾個月後, 它們的顏色將從黃轉變成白色。
只有白鴨, 或帶黃嘴巴的鴨而無黃鴨。真是奇怪。

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comments & Reply-II 留言及回覆-貳

Please Pray For Taiwan 請爲臺灣禱告

Please pray for Taiwan political disaster speedy recovery, ... etc.
May God bless Taiwan.

請爲臺灣政災人禍禱告: 祈求上帝保佑臺灣, 重建工作得以順利進行,
慰藉撫平災民身心所受的創傷及財物損失, ...等等。

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Taiwan 988 Typhoon Disaster 臺灣988水災

(Recycle-Comic Liberty Times 自由時報漫畫 回收編輯再用)

(Recycle-Comic Liberty Times. 自由時報漫畫 回收編輯再用)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Red Gift Envelope 紅包袋

Use this pattern to make a unique red gift envelope
or add prop/text to create your own design.