Sirtea 茶翁

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這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sam Jī Sèngkeng 三字聖經


Sam Jī SèngkengChhú châi î 66 koàn “Sèngkeng”, Sī iōng “Sam Jī Keng” ê kehsek pianchoān. Hō͘ to̍kchiá tì liāmtha̍k tiong théhōe chhut Sîn kap lâng ê hō͘ tōng, Thê kiong tho̍kchiá chi̍tchióng choânsin ê oa̍ttha̍k thégiām.《三字聖經》取材於66卷《聖經》,是以《三字經》的格式編撰。讓讀者於唸讀中體會出神與人的互動, 提供讀者一種全新的閱讀體驗。


Sam Jī Sèngkeng《三字聖經》

Chokchiá: Ông Tōûi Kàusiū 作者: 王道維教授


1. Chhòngchō kap Chiokhok



 Sèng giân chhut, Thiⁿ tē sí, Sèng lêng tōng, Bān bu̍t heng.


Beh ū kng, Chiū ū kng, Tēng ji̍t iā, Nái it ji̍t.


Chō khong khì, Pun chu chúi, Hiān nâ thiⁿ, Nái jī ji̍t.


Pun hái lio̍k, Tióng si̍t bu̍t, Chiông kî lūi, Nái saⁿ ji̍t.


Ji̍t goa̍t chhiⁿ, Chiò tāi tē, Tēng chiat lēng, Nái sì ji̍t.


Chō hî hê, Kap poe chiáu, Sù un hok, Nái gō͘ ji̍t.


Chō iá siù, Kap khun thiông, Chiông kî lūi, Tit hí ia̍t.


Chō jîn lūi, Iú lâm lú, To seⁿ iúⁿ, Hián êng hêng.


Lâng bông hok, Choân tē thok, Sim boán ì, Nái la̍k ji̍t.


Bān mih chê, Sîn hioh soah, Tēng ūi sèng, Nái chhit ji̍t.




2. Tūilo̍h kap èngún



Jîn chi chho͘, Pún jû thô͘, Sîn pûn khùi, Lêng ji̍p chú.


A tong khùn, Hā oa chhut, Bah tiong bah, Kut tiong kut.


Ūi Sîn bēng, Pì chôa hó͘, Chia̍h kìm kó, Siū chiù chó͘.


Lâm lô le̍k, Lú jû khó͘, Ū èng ún, Chhut Kiù chú.


Lâng oán Sîn, Kiàn pang siâⁿ, Chōe saⁿ sûi, Lûn song tîm.


Ûi í lo̍k, Kun tòe Sîn, Saⁿ pah nî, Li̍p thoân sêng.


Kip Ná a, Hong chiu sêng, Chûn î chéng, Khēng iok sêng.


Lâng ho̍k àu, Thah chheng chàn, Loān káu im, Hiám tîm lûn.


Sîn soán tiàu, A pek lân, Chheng gī sìn, Ka cho̍k thoân.


Mô͘ se chhut, Lu̍t hoat pan, Gōa cho̍k chhim, Chhî siú lân.


Lâng pòe ge̍k, Sîn in lân, Chài jî saⁿ, Iû ho̍k hoân.


Chiòng sian ti, Èng ún toân, Bí sài a, Phàn hā hoân.



3. Kiùsio̍k kap sêngchoân



 Éng oa̍h tō, Jio̍k sin lîm, Sîn sèng kiáⁿ, Iâ so͘ miâ.


Lêng kám īn, Tông lú i. Bo̍k jîn thoân, Bé chô eⁿ.


Cha̍p jī hòe, Sú bēng bêng, Saⁿ cha̍p chài, Ka cho̍k chêng.


Siū chúi sé, Chīn jîn gī, Keng chhì thàm, Pêng sìn iâⁿ.


Tiàu bûn tô͘, Phiàn tē kiâⁿ, Toân thian kok. Kóng hok im.


Sià lâng chōe, Hián sîn sim, I pēⁿ chân, Êng pē miâ.


Chin kng chiò, Iah ok chêng, Koân lêng hiān, Thòe siâ lêng.


Chèng gō͘ kái, Pí to̍k hêng, Boa̍t sè kīn. Bô lâng bêng.


Sî hāu kàu, Jīm lâng hêng, Si̍p kè lō͘ , Khó͘ lān hêng.


Ko iûⁿ hoeh, Sûi hong lîm, Sèng kiáⁿ lūi, Khì thian bêng.


Moa bō͘ lia̍t, Sîn nō͘ soah       , Kiù un chiâⁿ, Bān sè chêng.


Kó͘ ò pì, Kin bêng giân. Sîn jîn hô, Tiong pó liân.


A tong chōe, Ki tok choân, Lu̍t hoat khoat, Kiù un îⁿ.


Sìn sim pún, Chheng gī tian, Bông tiông seng, Ti kèng khiân.


Lêng tông chū, Éng oa̍h chôaⁿ, La̍p ūi sû,         Ài biân iân.



4. Tuisûi kap ǹgbāng



Saⁿ ji̍t āu, Bōng chio̍h î, Chú koh oa̍h, Jû sîn hi.


Sèng sí bông, Chōe koân lî, Toa̍t im kan, Kiù un lîm.


Bûn tô͘ kìⁿ, Chīn sek gî, Tōa sú bēng, Soan kò chek.


Sian Iâ siâⁿ, Chhù Iu tāi, Chài gōa pang, Chiong tē ke̍k.


Chú seng thiⁿ, Hôe pē piⁿ, Chhe Sèng lêng, Ji̍p jîn kan.


Kàu hōe kiàn, Sú tô͘ kian, Kiàn chèng Chú, Ūi Sîn giân.


Tong koân khū, Bûn tô͘ thiⁿ,  Pek pek lîm, Sî ji̍t kan.


Sui siū khó͘, lo̍k tong sian, Kiù chú miâ, Toân thiⁿ piⁿ.


Sîn kàu hōe, Chú sin hū, pòe si̍p kè, Hù thiⁿ lō͘.


Chhî chin tō, Phòa bê gō͘, Hoân bí siān, Kai só͘ bū.


Tián in sù, Hō͘ hû chō͘, Sìn bōng ài, Chin liû lō͘.


Hiòng kí sí, Ûi Chú bō͘, Jio̍k sin tiān, Sèng kok tō͘.


Boa̍t sè kàu, Su jím nāi, Chai lān cheng, Jîn sim tāi.


Lêng kài chiàn, Sui phông pài, Chhian hí nî, Mô͘ pit pāi.


Sin sui sí, Koh oa̍h thāi, Sím phòaⁿ ji̍t, Kong gī chāi.


Chú boeh lâi, Bo̍k hāi tāi, Sin thiⁿ tē, Êng iāu chài.


Friday, April 22, 2022

聖城 The Holy City


The Holy City 聖城 

~ 梁頌恩 ~

Last night I lay asleeping

There came a dream so fair

I stood in old Jerusalem

Beside the temple there

I heard the children singing

And ever as they sang

Methought the voice of Angels

From Heaven in answer rang

Methought the voice of Angels

From Heaven in answer rang

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Lift up you gates and sing

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna to your King!"


And then methought my dream was chang'd

The streets no longer rang

Hush'd were the glad Hosannas

The little children sang

The sun grew dark with mystery

The morn was cold and chill

As the shadow of a cross arose

Upon a lonely hill

As the shadow of a cross arose

Upon a lonely hill

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Hark! How the Angels sing

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna to your King!"


And once again the scene was chang'd

New earth there seem'd to be

I saw the Holy City

Beside the tideless sea

The light of god was on its streets

The gates were open wide

And all who would might enter

And no one was denied

No need of moon or stars by night

Or sun to shine by day

It was the new Jerusalem

That would not pass away

It was the new Jerusalem

That would not pass away

"Jerusalem! Jerusalem!

Sing for the night is o'er

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna for evermore

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna for evermore”

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Kiù Chú Góa Ài Chiū Lí 救主我愛就你 Nearer my God to thee 


Kiù Chú Góa Ài Chiū Lí 

Nearer my God to thee

1 救主我愛就你,較倚近你,

雖然當負十架,   求你扶持,




2 雖然遇著出外,無處可宿,





3 夢中看見天開,榮光出現,





4 睡醒歡喜記念,讚美吟詩,

所過凄慘煩惱, 成伯特利,



Friday, April 15, 2022

Easter Alleluia Canon


Easter Alleluia Canon

復活節禮拜2017/04/16 Easter Sunday Service

Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York  Choir


指揮: 李煦煦  伴奏: 謝逸詩  Trumpet: Edward Lu

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Were you there when they crucified my Lord


Were you there

when they crucified my Lord?

Charles Winfred Douglas


1 Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?


2 Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?

Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.

Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?


3 Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?

Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.

Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?


4 Were you there when He rose up  from the grave?

Were you there when He rose up from the grave?

Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.

Were you there when He rose up  from the grave ?

Friday, April 8, 2022

Sing Out Your Song Christians of the World


Sing Out Your Song Christians of the World

Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price          

Music by Don Besig

Sing by: TUCCNY EM Choir

Friday, April 1, 2022

Come, People of the Risen King


復活節禮拜2017/04/16 Easter Sunday Service

Taiwan Union Christian Church in New York  Choir


指揮: 李煦煦  伴奏: 謝逸詩  

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Sing Out Your Song Christians of the World


Sing Out Your Song Christians of the World

Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price          

Music by Don Besig

Sing by: TUCCNY EM Choir

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Holy City 聖城


The Holy City 聖城 ~ 梁頌恩 ~

Last night I lay asleeping

There came a dream so fair

I stood in old Jerusalem

Beside the temple there

I heard the children singing

And ever as they sang

Methought the voice of Angels

From Heaven in answer rang

Methought the voice of Angels

From Heaven in answer rang

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Lift up you gates and sing

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna to your King!"


And then methought my dream was chang'd

The streets no longer rang

Hush'd were the glad Hosannas

The little children sang

The sun grew dark with mystery

The morn was cold and chill

As the shadow of a cross arose

Upon a lonely hill

As the shadow of a cross arose

Upon a lonely hill

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Hark! How the Angels sing

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna to your King!"


And once again the scene was chang'd

New earth there seem'd to be

I saw the Holy City

Beside the tideless sea

The light of god was on its streets

The gates were open wide

And all who would might enter

And no one was denied

No need of moon or stars by night

Or sun to shine by day

It was the new Jerusalem

That would not pass away

It was the new Jerusalem

That would not pass away

"Jerusalem! Jerusalem!

Sing for the night is o'er

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna for evermore

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna for evermore”

Monday, March 7, 2022

無錢的兄弟 Bô chîⁿ ê hiaⁿtī


無錢的兄弟 Bô chîⁿ ê hiaⁿtī

詞:葉俊麟 Sû: Ia̍p Chùnlîn

黃三元唱 N̂g Samgoân Chhiùⁿ

曲:日本童謠 Khek: Ji̍tpún Tôngiâu