幾天前老朋友在我的臉書留言:「水不在深. 有魚則清. 山不在高.有仙則靈."確實少了老仙角. 網路好像靜止一樣. 仙嗡何處去. 害了一大群人四處打聽. 以後還請仙翁留個信息. 免得大家著急???」
他說的老仙角、仙翁大概是指茶翁吧!要我報備行踪讓我很訝異, 當然內心感動, 確實有人在關懷我。
我開玩笑地回了一句: 聖書上說: 「他們看了又看, 卻看不見。」
朋友的e邮件都有即時回覆, 在我的網路社群-茶翁家園、YouTube 茶翁影視頻道、老頑童、茶翁閣、台美郎、臉書、推特、Telly、…等等都有按時在更新; 也不時前往友閣網址站探訪留言按讚。可是, 在雙向的互動當中, 偶而會停下來三思自省我的舉止言語是否損益於人。大概是在這思悟的空檔期朋友們才會追問茶翁何處去?
我得到的結論之一是如傳道者所說:「虛空的虛空,虛空的虛空,凡事都是虛空。(傳道書 第一章第二節)」“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 1:2 NKJV)
我們可以抓住耶穌說這句應許的話來填滿心靈的虛空 :「而我來是要他們得生命,並且得的更豐盛。」Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (約翰 John 10:10 NIV)
好了, 暫停於此。 茶翁十分感激這一大群四處打聽的朋友們, 在此行禮三鞠躬!
其實我也不時在思念並爲這些親朋友好祈福。對了, 請問有什麼好康逗相報還是有什麼茶翁可以效勞的嗎?
Related Post 相關貼文: Nothing and Emptiness 無與空字
Sirtea 茶翁
This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Vanity of Vanities 空字之思
Art Work 美工,
My Thoughts 雜七雜八
Butterflies 134 蝴蝶集錦
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Jody Chiang 江蕙
Jody Chiang or Jiang Hui江蕙 born as Jiang Shuhui (江淑惠), is a Taiwanese popular singer. She is often called the Queen of Taiwanese music.
江蕙(1961年9月1日出生),本名:江淑惠,以演唱台語歌曲聞名, 是台語歌壇天后級歌星。
江蕙(1961年9月1日出生),本名:江淑惠,以演唱台語歌曲聞名, 是台語歌壇天后級歌星。
Favorite Collection 名人相片集
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
228 Memorial Concert 二二八安魂曲
Meditation/Motivation 靈修及鼓勵
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Teresa Teng-Overcast Day 鄧麗君-天黑黑
Teresa Teng sings "Overcast Day".
曲: 台灣童謠 詞: 林福裕
曲: 台灣童謠 詞: 林福裕
天黑黑 要落雨 阿公仔舉鋤頭要掘芋
掘啊掘掘啊掘 掘著一尾旋餾鼓(泥鰍)
依呀嘿 都真正趣眛
阿公仔要煮鹹 阿媽要煮淡 兩個相打弄破鼎
依呀嘿 都螂當 蹉當嗆 哇哈哈
Monday, February 25, 2013
iPhone Contract 愛奉合約
Gregory’s iPhone Contract
Dear Gregory
Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good & responsible 13 year old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations. Please read through the following contract. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it. Failure to comply with the following list will result in termination of your iPhone ownership.
I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.
耶誕節那天,13歲的克雷葛里.霍夫曼獲得他渴望的東西:一支iPhone 5手機。次日,他拿到合約,不是讓他手機上網的資費方案合約—這部份費用由他爸媽買單,而是一份告訴他用這支手機能做什麼、不能做什麼的約定。
1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest?
2. I will always know the password.
3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.
4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.
5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.
6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared.
7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.
8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.
9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself.
10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.
11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.
12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. Don’t laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear – including a bad reputation.
13. Don’t take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.
14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO – fear of missing out.
15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.
16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.
17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.
18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.
It is my hope that you can agree to these terms. Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life. You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Keep it simple every chance you get. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!
Dear Gregory
Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good & responsible 13 year old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations. Please read through the following contract. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it. Failure to comply with the following list will result in termination of your iPhone ownership.
I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.
耶誕節那天,13歲的克雷葛里.霍夫曼獲得他渴望的東西:一支iPhone 5手機。次日,他拿到合約,不是讓他手機上網的資費方案合約—這部份費用由他爸媽買單,而是一份告訴他用這支手機能做什麼、不能做什麼的約定。
1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest?
2. I will always know the password.
3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.
4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.
5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.
6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared.
7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.
8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.
9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself.
10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.
11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.
12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. Don’t laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear – including a bad reputation.
13. Don’t take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.
14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO – fear of missing out.
15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.
16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.
17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.
18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.
It is my hope that you can agree to these terms. Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life. You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Keep it simple every chance you get. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!
Social Activity 社交活動
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Anti-nuclear Power Plant 反核電廠
Social Activity 社交活動
Saturday, February 23, 2013
A Frog Mother's labor 青蛙媽媽救孩子們
Is there a greater love and labor than this?
Meditation/Motivation 靈修及鼓勵
Little Lord Fauntleroy 流落子爵
Little Lord Fauntleroy- A fatherless American boy discovers that he is heir to a British dukedom.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Life In A Day 一日之中
Life In A Day 一日之中變化多端
Social Activity 社交活動
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