Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Taiwan Mountaineer costumes 台灣原住民服飾

Taiwan's aboriginal traditional clothing and accessories colors brighter, forms, and can demonstrate a deep cultural meaning. Each tribe has a unique style and features, such as the Paiwan, Rukai, Puyuma, Bunun are dark blue and jet black cloth, and then presented using a variety of ingenious and lively variety of style, and Amis, Tsou, Saisiyat, Atayal, etc. then use red, green day to show their reverence for nature and preferences, Orchid Island's Yami (Tao) tribe is the only palm-fiber cloth with the original residents.

*This model is DPP Taiwan Presidential Candidate Tsai IngWen.

台灣原住民的傳統服飾與配件色彩鮮麗,形式多樣化,而且能夠表現出深刻的文化意涵。各原民族都有一套獨特的風格與特色,如排灣族、魯凱族、卑南族、布農族是以深藍和墨黑的布,再利用各種巧思呈現活潑豐富多樣的風貌,而阿美族、鄒族、賽夏族、泰雅族等則善用大紅、天綠色表現出他們對大自然的崇敬與喜好,蘭嶼島上的雅美(達悟)族則是唯一會用棕櫚纖維織布的原住民。Link(See individual Pictures 看個圖)

Tsai Ing-Wen 2015-5-31 Los Angeles Speech excerpts 蔡英文150531訪美洛杉磯僑宴演講

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