Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Military Planes And Ships 軍機和船艦

The 3 carriers and the new fighter jet

The plane in these pictures is still officially the 'Air Vehicle Number 1', a prototype, on board the USS George Washington CVN-73 for catapult fit checks. Not exactly still Top Secret but certainly not yet made public.

It’s known as the F/A-37. Although specs are classified, it is believed to be Mach 3.5 (top speed in the Mach 4 range) super-cruise stealth fighter/bomber/interceptor with approximately a 4,000nm range.

Check out the Navy test pilot in the cockpit of the F/A-37 LT. Kara Wade.

For the first time in over 20 some odd years, three carrier strike groups ABRAHAM LINCOLN, KITTY HAWK and RONALD REAGAN got together in formation for a great photo op.

See the Air Force planes fly-over, B-2 Stealth Bomber. The only warships not seen in the photos are the 4 nuclear powered submarines standing guard.

USS New York

It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center, notice the two twin towers on top.

It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.

Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite, LA to cast the ship's
bow section. It was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, “those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence.” recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there.

Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the hair on his neck stood up. “It had a big meaning to it for all of us”, he said. “They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We’re going to be back.” It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.

The ship's motto?
"Never Forget"

(Internet Message 網路資訊)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Delay Alzheimer 延緩失智症

Create a world without Alzheimer.
讓世界沒有失智症 (老人癡呆)。

(Internet Message 網路資訊)
Read more 延伸閱讀: 101206 Alzheimer 失智症

Father's Day 父親節

Wish all fathers
Happy Father's Day

Father's Day around the world (source)
February 23: Russia
March 19: Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain (St. Joseph's Day)
May 8: South Korea (Parents Day)
May 28: Germany (Ascension Day)
June 5: Denmark
First Sunday in June: Lithuania
Second Sunday of June: Austria, Belgium
Third Sunday in June: Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, France, China, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
June 20: Bulgaria
June 23: Nicaragua, Poland
July last Sunday: Dominican Republic
August 8: China, Taiwan
Second Sunday in August: Brazil
The first Sunday of September: New Zealand, Australia
Second Sunday of November: Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
Dec. 5: Thailand (King Bhumibol Adulyadej's birthday)

世界各國的父親節 (資料來源)
3月19日:比利時、意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙 (聖約瑟日)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rest 歇息

After working outdoor for so ..., Sirtea Rested.
Time to do some networking.

戶外勞動吿一段落, 茶翁歇工休息了。

^.^Rest is the way to go farther^v^

Salvage 廢物利用

Before animal control officer picked up the dead deer, 4 big crows were salvaging it.
在動物管理員拿走這隻被車撞死的鹿前, 4隻大烏鴉先來飽餐一頓。

Friday, June 17, 2011

Live & Death 活與屍

I found two big crows, a dead baby black bird, and a dead deer by the sidewalk of highway.

我看到二隻大烏鴉, 一隻死的小黑鳥, 和在高速公路旁一隻被汽車撞死的鹿仔。
A Duck Family 一家六口

Taiwan Mountain Cloud 合歡山雲海

BY louisch


※台灣美得讓人讚嘆! 好好愛惜她, 別讓她變天退色啊!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Flock Of Birds 一群鳥

This flock of birds circled before me long enough for me to get my camera ready to take this video.


God Will Make A Way 神會開路

Don Moen's popular song "God Will Make a Way" with lyrics.
我常提醒自己, 神必爲我 (你) 開路的, 信託祂。

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Using Dominoes Play Billiard 用骨牌打桌球

Using Dominoes Play Billiard

台灣說的「撞球」, 在香港澳門叫「桌球」, 在中國叫「檯球」。