I do not swear (except in Court) and do not like to swear in here. What I say next is true, nothing but true. I took picture of this stem broken upside down mushroom because of its texture. After I downloaded it to my computer, I found a figure in it. I didn't do any photowork on it (left). I don't know why and how my camera captured this one. The only reason I can think of is: I must have deleted some pictures from my camera, and the camera played a trick. But, why this figure not other scene? Whatever, I am assured that God is with me all the time.
我不發誓(法庭除外)也不想在此破例發誓。接下來我所說的是真實, 全是真相。今晨看到這朵斷梗反向的野菇, 因爲喜歡它的紋路而拍下它。下載到電腦後, 發現圖中人像。原圖(左)我未曾作任何修改。我不清楚這個相機怎樣拍出它。唯一推想到的是: 可能刪除照片後留下舊跡而相機玩把戲。想不通爲什麼是人像而不是其他的影像呢? 不管如何, 我從中得到訊息,上帝無時無刻與我同在的。