ractopamine-treated meat 「瘦肉精」常識
The opposition Democratic Progressive Party has accused Ma of sacrificing the people’s health, ban on ractopamine-treated meat, in return for potential trade benefits if US and Taiwan decide to resume talks on a bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement.
Pig farmers have been among the most vocal critics of a potential end to the ban on ractopamine-treated meat.
The only way to prevent the government from loosening import restrictions on beef from the United States was to stop eating imported beef.
瘦肉精是一種乙型腎上腺受體素,原本是氣喘的治療用藥,這種乙型受體素共有20幾種,後被發現可令豬、牛、鵝肉等動物體內的脂肪轉為肌肉,進而促進和增加 瘦肉比例,而被當作動物用藥,其中被應用最廣的就是美國牛被驗出的培林(ractopamine),台灣鵝被驗出的瘦肉精是毒性更強的濟帕特羅 (zipaterol),對人體作用時間更長,猝死風險更高。
Source: Common Health Magazine
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