Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Take A Peep 偷偷地看

This morning I was able to take 3 videos: 1st. a baby rabbit, 2nd. a love couple, 3rd. a family- mother and 13 ducklings.

今早真巧拍攝到三段影片: 1. 一隻小灰兔, 2. 一對親熱水鴨, 3. 一隻母鴨帶13隻小鴨出遊。

I first saw this baby rabbit 3 days ago. It, I didn't know its gender, allowed me to get close to within 6 feet. Finally, it was scared off by a laud water sound.

2 ducks made love in the lake. You could hear the female duck crying.

I posted "Bedtime" yesterday. This morning I saw this mother with 13 youngsters set out to the lake.

1 comment:

  1. You are an accurate producer,
    very wonderful 3 videos.
