I took these pictures around 3:15 PM this afternoon.
Sirtea 茶翁
Monday, November 30, 2009
After Rain Sky Cloudy 雨過天未晴
I took these pictures around 3:15 PM this afternoon.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Poster 一張海報
Insects 昆蟲
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lake and Pond 湖與池塘
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday 黑色星期五
Christmas shopping spree starts on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving Day. I decided to look for some softwares and personal items this morning. I left home at near 7:00AM, 45F outdoor, a little bit chill but very comfortable weather with a jacket on. I went to 4 stores.
To my surprise, this store's parking lot was not full. I parked on the third row spot near the store front. Two police cars parked near entrance to the store. Once I came into the store, I saw law officers standing near exit door and about same numbers of customers and store workers. Checkout counters had no long line to wait, possibly due to internet selling/buying.
A lot of people were unemployed and cut back on spending this year. I pray that the world economy will recover soon and peace for all mankind. 聖誕拍𧷗購物潮開始於黑色星期五也就是感恩節後一天。我想去找一些軟體和私人用品。七點左右出發, 外面約華氏45度, 涼了些但穿著夾克覺得蠻舒服的。我去了四間商場。
當我來到這家購物場時,發現她的停車場空位很多。我車停在門前笫三位。兩部警車停在大門進口處。走進裡面, 看到警察站在出口附近, 顧客跟服務人員人數看似一樣多。付帳處無長龍等不久就可輪到結帳, 可能受到網路售購的影響。
不景氣加上裁員失業多, 今年很多人包括我都要節省開支。祈願世界經濟景氣早日復甦, 人人和平相處。
PS. I covered part of the store sign.
註: 我稍微蓋住招牌。
Computer & Cameras 電腦與相機
I carried my camera with me while I did morning exercise. With camera at hands, I walked, meditated, and took pictures. I was amazed at God's beautiful creation. I picked up a lot of scenes that was attracted to me at that moment and shared them on Sirtea Garden. (Ooop! They might be nothing special to you.)
Several years ago, my son, Tom introduced me to digital camera and computer. He gave me two (in separate year) digital cameras (see picture below) and a computer with accessories-softwares and an all-in-one printer. He even paid for in home setup and startup. The technician/Specialist walked me through basic technique, and eased my ignorant of computer. Tom, Again I thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. 我說過, 我每天晨運時手拿着照相機一邊散步沈思自省祈禱一路拍照片。驚奇地欣賞上帝所創造出各形各色的自然㬌物。我拍攝了我當時認爲有趣的㬌物在茶翁家園與格友們分享。(噢! 你可能認爲那有什麼值得一看, 抱歉了!)。
幾年前我的兒子-湯帶領我進入電腦及數位相機的生活境界。他給我兩個(不同年)數位照相機(上圖)和一整套的電腦含必需的軟體和多功能的印表機。他還付錢請電腦行家到家裏來裝組,連接上網開帳戶等等。這位專業人士很耐心地教我電腦的基本知識, 讓這個不識電腦的人稍除恐懼無奈。湯, 再一次多謝你體貼的爲人與慷慨贈品。
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thank You All 感謝您們
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Songs 感恩之歌
Song: I am Thankful. 歌: 我感恩。
↑↑ Recycle 回收再用↓↓
Song: O Give Thanks. 歌: 同來感恩。
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Triangle Love 偷情
(↓Liberty Times 自由時報↓)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Two Seasons 換季
There is a fig tree story in the Bible: In the morning, as he (Jesus) was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry, and noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves. Then he said to it, "Never bear fruit again!" And soon the fig tree withered up. (Matthew 21:18-19)
Are you amazed at the picture scene and/or the story?

這張照片看到一棵無花果樹的對比, 六月時欣欣向榮(上圖2009/06/09拍攝) 而11月初了無生氣(下圖2009/11/16拍攝)。
聖經中有一個關於無花果樹的故事: 笫二天一早, 在回城裏去的路上, 耶穌餓了。他看見路旁有一棵無花果樹, 就走上前去, 卻找不到甚麼, 只有葉子。因此他指着樹說: 「你永遠不會再結果子!」那棵無花果樹立刻枯乾了。(馬太21:18-19)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Gangs 聚眾
"Look at the birds! They don't worry about what to eat-- they don't need to sow or reap or store up food-- for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are." (Matthew 6:26) These pictures and Bible verse remind me that I am in His hands. God will provide what I need in His time.
「你們看天空的飛鳥: 牠們不種、不收、也不存糧在倉裏, 你們的天父尚且飼養牠們! 你們的價值豈不是遠超過鳥兒嗎?」(馬太6:26) 這些相片和經文再次提醒了我活在祂的掌握中。 神會及時給予我所需要的一切。
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pictures Of The Day 今日照片
I got these fringe benefits from this morning's walk. 今晨運動的額外收獲。
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
91 Years Young 九十一歲

Read more 相關貼文身
Birthday Party 生日聚會
93rd Birthday 九十三歲生日
Walk And Kick 邊走邊踢
92 Years Old 九十二歲
Happy Birthday 91st 生日快樂
Happy Birthday 生日快樂
More 看更多
Birthday Party 生日聚會
93rd Birthday 九十三歲生日
Walk And Kick 邊走邊踢
92 Years Old 九十二歲
91 Years Young 九十一歲
Monday, November 16, 2009
Google Translate 谷歌翻譯

Foggy Morning 晨霧
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Fall Colors 秋葉爭艷
Beautiful autumn view. See leaves changed from green to so many colors. Pictures were taken between November 1 and November 15, 2009.
我們家多彩多色的秋㬌。看看從2009/11/1 到2009/11/15 間樹葉顏色變化的進展。
Sunbathing Turtles 曝日龜
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lake Level 湖水漲

連續下雨, 土壤都濕透了。鄉鎮也已經取消乾旱用水限制。湖水漲得比往常高, 從泄水出口反灌入湖邊休閒的地方。我們家位於小丘上, 不會有水氾, 僅僅這一小部份。這也是非常罕有的事。
Tiny Pigs 超小豬
Newborn mini pigs, have you seen them before? The hairs stand up all over its body. They are called arrow pigs. Cute, very cute.
看過這種剛出生超小的箭豬嗎? 有趣的是它們身上的毛髪是站立起來。非常可愛的小箭豬。
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Friday, November 13, 2009
Rake Leaves 掃落葉
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Grass Seeds 撒草子
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Pictures of The Day 今日照片
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Playing In The Rain 雨中戲水
It Rained since last night, and continued until this moment. I took this video indoor through window. This morning in the pond, a crane and two ducks were playing in the rain. The crane stood on the wood branch. At times, I thought it was napping and was not even disturbed by the two ducks. After more than an hour, it took off finally. I was very lucky able to catch the crane taking off and touching down at the right time.
下了整夜雨, 一直到此刻還下不停。我從窗口拍攝這段影片。今天早上, 一隻鶴二隻水鴨在池塘雨中游樂。這隻鶴站在水中樹枝上好久都不移動, 我還以爲㸰在補眠(喥𪚩)呢, 連鴨子游到身旁都吵不動㸰。過了一個多小時才飛走。能拍到鶴振趐起飛和降落下來的動作還真是難得的機緣呢。
Monday, November 9, 2009
Greetings 打招呼
「嗨! 你好嗎?」
這些水鴨以一直點頭在互相打招呼。看來蠻有趣。可惜距離太遠, 我錄不到㸰們間談話的聲音。
"Hi! How are you?"
These water ducks greet each other by nodding their heads. They were too far away, I could not record their voices.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fly In Visitors 飛來訪客
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Count Down 10、9、8... 倒數
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Multiple Mushrooms 聚集草菇
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Nature 神秘自然
Monday, November 2, 2009
US Beef 美國牛
Taiwanese objection to US beef products import is getting lauder and lauder.