Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Elder Robert Huang 黃文嘉長老

My Uncle, Elder Robert Huang, passed away on early morning of January 4, 2013 at age 85.

Funeral service (告別禮拜) will be held on Jan. 12, 10:00 AM (1月12日上午10:00) at Edward D. James Funeral Chapel (國際殯儀館) 141-26 Northern Blvd., Flushing, NY 11354 between Bowne St. and Parsons Blvd 718-461-2660.
May God comfort the Huang Families. 願 上帝安慰遺族。

※Related Post 相關貼文※
黃文嘉長老告別及安葬禮拜 Elder Robert WG Huang Farewell and Funeral Services

Here is a brief Biography of Elder Robert Huang
May 29, 1927-Jan. 4, 2013
Elder Robert Huang was born on May 29, 1927 in Changhua, Taiwan into a blessed Christian family. His father, Dai-Chain Huang, and mother, Shih-Wu Huang, had six sons and five daughters. Robert was the tenth child of eleven, with four older brothers, five older sisters, and one younger brother.

He graduated from Kaohsiung High School after World War II. Because of his exceptional grades, he was recruited by Xiamen University in Fujian, China. When the Communist Party took over China, Robert returned to Taiwan to continue his education in July of 1947. He attended the National Taiwan Normal University and graduated with a degree in Education, after which he taught English in high schools in Taiwan for over a decade.

On January 2, 1954, Robert married Dr. Young-Fu Wu’s eldest daughter, Fu-Mei Wu. The couple gave birth to three daughters: Judy, who died in 1987; Jenny, who married Timothy Chuang and had six children, Jonathan, Michael, Andrew, Elisa, Danielle, and Maxine; and Grace, who married Jonathan Kuo and had two children, Stephanie and Bryan. Altogether Robert and Fu-Mei had eight grandchildren, four boys and four girls, and recently celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary.

In 1966, Elder Huang left his profession as a teacher and began working in the Dongyuan Electrical Group. Three years later, he moved to Taipei and to work as the general manager for the Taiwan Plastic Company. In 1970, he came to America to seek medical help for his daughter Judy who had been diagnosed with Lupus. He began working in New York as a traffic manager for Ajinomoto USA, where he would work for 25 more years until he retired. In 1972, the rest of the family moved to New York to live with him.

Robert joined the congregation of Taiwan Union Christian Church in 1971 and began serving as a church leader. Among his responsibilities was orchestrating the official government registration of Taiwan Union Christian Church. In 1987, he was installed as an elder in the church. He continued to serve as an elder for more than 20 years. He was a dedicated servant of God for his whole life.

In his lifetime, Elder Huang loved music, art, literature, photography, and gardening. He was gifted in management and organization. He had a flexible attitude and lived a simple and quiet life. Whether at work, home, or church, or in social situations, he always wholeheartedly gave all his love and care. Early on the morning of January 4, 2013, God called him home in his sleep at age 85. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Jenny and Grace. He leaves with us a legacy of a wonderful life filled with happiness and love.

故人黃文嘉長老, 主後1927年5月29日出生於台灣彰化一個蒙上帝祝福的基督教家庭。父親黃呆錢, 母親黃吳市, 育養六男五女, 在十一個子女中排行笫十 (四位兄長, 五位姊姊, 一位弟弟) 。

黃文嘉長老, 於二次世界大戰後畢業於高雄中學, 因成績優異, 保送福建厦門大學。1947 年中國大陸動盪而無法繼續學業, 同年7月回台灣轉讀師範大學教育系; 畢業後執教逹十年之久, 桃李無數。

1966年黃文嘉長老離開教育界, 先後任職於東元電機及台灣塑膠公司, 1969年轉職台北台塑企業總務, 担任外銷課長。1970年因長女身體欠安來美國就醫, 而全家移民到紐約。並同年服務於日本商社(Ajinomoto)担任進口業務經理25年直到退休。

1954年1月2日黃文嘉長老與高雄吳永福醫師之長女吳富美女士結緍, 夫妻恩愛共育有三女: 長女靜惠, 聰明怜俐, 可愛, 於1987年蒙主恩召; 次女惠瑛, 女婿莊振輝, 孫子Jonathan, Michael, Andrew, 孫女Elisa, Danielle, Maxine; 三女瑛娟, 女婿郭俊賢, 孫女Stephanie, 孫子Bryan; 共有八位孫仔, 四男四女。

黃文嘉長老自1971年起參加紐約台灣基督教會, 經歷同工會同工主席, 執事, 長老, 在教會向政府立案登記担任董事長銜; 1987年担任大紐約區台灣人基督徒長輩會之創會首任會長, 爲長輩會貢獻20多年, 一生榮神益人。

黃文嘉長老生平愛好音樂, 藝術, 文學, 攝影, 裁種花草, 善長經營管理訂制規劃製度; 生活恬淡寡慾, 凡事知足常樂, 無論在家庭, 在教會, 在職場, 在社會團體, 皆全力盡他應盡的責任, 付出全部的愛心與關懷; 如今蒙主恩召, 留下佳美典範, 實爲後代子孫追隨的好榜樣。

2013年1月4日清晨蒙上帝恩召卸下人世的重擔在睡眠中安息主懷, 享壽85歲。願一切成就榮耀都歸於萬君的主上帝!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gary's Mission Trip 加里使命之行

My friend Gary is going for a mission trip from Jan 12 to Jan 19, 2013. He is going to join a group of laymen to do construction and missionary work at MGM (Meeting God In Missions) Village 50 housing project in Dominican Republic. He has to raise his own fund for the mission work and personal expenses.

Here is a video about the mission.
Enjoy your mission project. Have a successful trip. God be with you.
Please take some pictures to share.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oil Paintings Exhibition 油畫作品展

60 Oil Paintings Exhibition by 13 Artists
配樂 Music: O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing by Charles Wesley

Monday, January 7, 2013

Anxious And Peace 掛慮和平安

Anxious about this new year?
Answer see below.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Steamming Rice Dumpling 燒肉粽

Teresa Teng sings "Rice Dumplings".
鄧麗君唱之台語歌: 「燒肉粽(Sio Ba-zang)」

燒肉粽 燒肉粽 賣燒肉粽

燒肉粽 燒肉粽 賣燒肉粽

燒肉粽 燒肉粽 賣燒肉粽

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year Fireworks 新年烟火秀

Taipei 101, Walt Disney, New York Time Square,
and Las Vegas Fireworks.
台北101 及各地過年烟火

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Guide Me 願祢導我

Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer.
至大上帝, 願祢導我。

Guide me, o thou great Redeemer, 至大上帝,願祢導我
pilgrim through this barren land;   穩過今世曠野地,
I am weak, but thou art mighty:      我真軟弱,祢大權能,
hold me with thy powerful hand:    用手牽我無犯罪;
bread of heaven, bread of heaven,   天的米糧,天的米糧,
feed me now and evermore.              求祢日日養飼我,求祢日日養飼我。

2) Open now the crystal fountain    活命水源求祢賞賜,
whence the healing stream doth flow 我心嘴焦大欣慕,
let the fiery cloudy pillar                    火炷、雲柱求祢顯出,
lead me all my journey through:      導我頭尾行天路;
strong deliverer, strong deliverer,   全能救主,全能救主,
be thou still my strength and shield. 賜我氣力永保護,賜我氣力永保護。

3) When I tread the verge of Jordan 後日行到約但河墘,
bid my anxious fears subside:           驚惶、僥疑免纏絆,
death of death. and hell's destruction 刣贏死失地獄的主,
land me safe on Canaan's side:         保我穩到迦南岸;
songs and praises, song and praises, 保我穩到迦南岸;
I will ever give to thee.                         永遠感謝謳咾祢, 永遠感謝謳咾祢。