Oppose Media Monopoly「拒黑手、反壟斷,要新聞自由」的運動。
(121202) Taiwan students and citizens will stand out to protest against Tsai Eng-meng (蔡衍明)'s takeover to the Apple Daily, which is the largest newspaper in Taiwan. And they need you to spread this information because Taiwan's mainstream media almost don't care about this thing, even though Taiwanese students have been protesting it for two days in front of Executive Yuan. Also they need your support because the police has show serious hostility to them by setting up iron barriers at the location where we are going to protest. (Source: Keep Taiwan Free)
一群青年學子在11月26日的台北深夜,冒著寒風冷雨,守在行政院大門口,面對層層包圍的警力,高呼捍衛民主價值、守護新聞自由的口號,要求政府針對台灣民主因媒體急速集中於少數財團而面臨的空前危機,提出具體對策, 採取積極作為。
這個景象,讓我們不敢置信,宛如時空迴轉,重返數十年前爭民主、要自由的血淚過程。台灣不是早已寫下亞洲的民主奇蹟?不是也已成為華語世界的民主燈塔?(源自Keep Taiwan Free)