The Shuimen Airport was located 246 kilometers northwest from Taipei, 380 km northwest from the disputed Diaoyutai Islands, and 200 km southwest from the Chunxiao oilfields, the Chinese-language United Evening News reported Saturday.
The equipment at the airport included Sukhoi 30 jets, drones and S-300 air defense missiles, the report said.
軍方情報指出,這座中國空軍用機場位置在福建省寧德市霞浦縣水門鄉。在福建北部臨東海山區,剷平兩公里多的山頭,在海拔364公尺高地,興建水門機場,相關軍用設施已近完工,陸續有殲10、蘇愷30與無人攻擊機等進駐,基地有S-300防空飛彈。搶攻東海戰略點!隱蔽在福建臨海山區的水門機場,距離釣魚台約380公里左右,春曉油田約200公里,到台北上空為246公里。軍方情報顯示,自此處升空的中共戰機,起飛後約7分鐘內,就能到春曉油田,12分鐘抵達釣魚台, 不到10 分鐘內飛抵台北。