Knock! Knock! Who's there?
The first day when I stayed at Zhang's country ranch, I heard knock knock several times. I looked for the noise. Finally, I found "A Bird" knocking at the glass window.Rev. Chuang had pet birds, and about birds on their window sill. This bird wanted to get our attention and possibly to come into the house. Very interesting.
笫一天到張府鄉居作客時聽到咯咯奇怪聲音好幾次, 到處找尋, 終於被我找到了。原來是一隻「鳥」在敲玻璃窗。大概是想進來湊熱鬧的樣子。讓我想起莊牧師在部落格談到我的寵物 -- 斑鳩, 和養寵物感想。 我的上一篇Birds On Roof Top 屋脊鳥群也提到鳥, 這些鳥類都要與人爲伴真有趣。