Happy Lunar Year Of Tiger!
恭賀新禧 虎年如意!
Kong Hei Fat Choi to all!
(Recycle 回收再用)
This incident happened in Fujian, China: A wedding was scheduled on February 4, 2010. The bride-to-be was killed by two break-in robbers on January 28, 2010. The bridegroom insisted on having the wedding according to plan before her funeral. Will you weep or will you laugh with them? What a sad and love story!
這故事發生在中國福建:莊胡兩家婚禮訂於今年二月四日舉行。新娘子在一月廿八日被二個破門而入的強盜剌死。新郎官堅持在二月四日如期先舉行婚禮後再行喪葬禮。不知該陪他們同哭還是一同歡笑慶賀? 真是個悲慘感人的情愛故事!Dear Jimmieeusebio:
Thank you for visiting Sirtea Garden and your comment on Haiti-100119. I am holding your comment pending. Please elaborate it further. I am glad to meet you, and hope to hear from you soon ASAP.
敬愛的「Jimmie 蘭蘭的」: