These bitter melons are the first home grown crop of the season.
The easiest way is to eat it raw as salad.
My sister, Jin, likes to make plenty of bitter melon tea and jam with the leftover melon meat.
Today, I am going to blanch it in boiling water for about 2 minutes and enjoy it as soup.
自家種的瓜菜中苦瓜第一個先熟了, 採下來作菜。
苦瓜可生吃, 熬成苦瓜茶, 苦瓜炒肉, 苦瓜排骨, 苦瓜釀肉, ... 等很多作法。
聽說苦瓜可減糖尿病的糖分。 不知真有效嗎?