This morning's visitors. 今晨訪客。
2 sun bathing turtles. 兩隻在浮本上日光浴的烏龜。
3 red face male ducks. 參隻紅面雄番鴨。
2 resting dragonflies. 兩隻暫歇的蜻蜓。
And many more not in the picture. 還有一些不願留影的熟客。
2 sun bathing turtles. 兩隻在浮本上日光浴的烏龜。
3 red face male ducks. 參隻紅面雄番鴨。
2 resting dragonflies. 兩隻暫歇的蜻蜓。
And many more not in the picture. 還有一些不願留影的熟客。