"He looked around at them in anger . . . " Mark 3:5
In the 1940s lawmakers in Montgomery, Alabama, wrote city bus regulations to minimize contact between white and black passengers. One humiliating law prohibited blacks from walking through the white section of the bus to their own seats in the back. So blacks had to pay their fare at the front, exit the bus, and then walk outside to reenter at the rear door. Some white bus drivers amused themselves by driving away before the black passengers could reboard. The trouble was not that blacks got angry but that whites did not.
Maybe some of us ought to get angry more often. Today's text is a plea for holy anger. To live a life of grace, we need to get "fed up" for the reasons Jesus did. Jesus and his followers throughout history have gotten angry when the poor are mistreated, when widows suffer injustice, when people suffer needlessly, and when someone tries to tear down a good church.
Of course, we need to be careful. Anger is like nitroglycerin. It can do immense damage if handled wrongly. Folks with uncontrolled anger can inflict heavy damage on people and organizations. The Pharisees' anger led them to plan a killing. Jesus' anger led him to heal.
Grace-full anger still heals. It can restore a city or school or family or church to health.
What kind of anger do you have?
Father, give us holy anger. When it is called for, give us the kind of anger that builds up and does not tear down. Asking for your wisdom, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
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「耶穌怒目周圍看他們⋯⋯」 馬可3:5