Sirtea 茶翁
This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Jacqueline Onassis 傑格琳奧納西斯
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and served as First Lady during his presidency from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. She was later married to Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis from 1968 until his death in 1975. For the final two decades of her life, she had a successful career as a book editor. She is remembered for her contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance and grace.
Favorite Collection 名人相片集
Monday, March 28, 2011
After Salt Rush 鹽淹之後
駭核搶鹽退鹽過後, 中國大陸多地開始
駭核搶鹽退鹽過後, 中國大陸多地開始
Social Activity 社交活動
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Doomsday 世界末日
安心啦! 2012年12月底地球不會有事啦!
NASA Scientist David Morrison speaks the real truth
about the year 2012 threat to Earth.
about the year 2012 threat to Earth.
Miscellaneous 包羅萬象
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Old Silk Road 古絲路之旅
古絲路之旅: 秦兵馬俑 秦始皇陵 蘭州黄河鐡橋 白塔山等旅遊勝景。
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor 玉婆麗沙泰勒
美女依麗沙白泰勒 (1932-2011)
The beautiful Elizabeth Taylor
The beautiful Elizabeth Taylor

(Youtube Video)
Favorite Collection 名人相片集
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Saved By A Japanese 捨身救人
20 Chinese trainees saved by their Japanese boss' brother
during the recent tsunami.
during the recent tsunami.
Social Activity 社交活動
Homesick 懷鄉
While talking with my friend on phone, he told me that he was worrying about Taiwan our motherland. I post two Youtube music videos to relieve our homesickness.
與朋友電話中聊天, 他說很擔心台灣的前途。所以我從優凸下載二支故鄉之歌, 略解這些遊子們難解的鄉思愁。
Lyric 歌詞:
咱的故鄉 美麗的島嶼台灣 山綠水青 花蕊四季齊開
Our homeland, beautiful island Taiwan,
Mountain green with water clear,
All flowers blossom for whole season round.
善良的百姓 認真打拼做工 為著光明前途暝日奮鬥
Industrious Taiwanese, doing their jobs endlessly,
For the sake of their future working day and night.
願上帝賜福阮所愛的故鄉台灣 伊是阮心內永遠的母親
May God bless our beloved homeland Taiwan,
To whom is our mother in our heart forever.
No matter how far away you are,
No matter how long you have gone through,
一生一世永遠會思念妳 咱的故鄉台灣
We will think of you the whole life through till eternity,
Our homeland Taiwan!
Lyric 歌詞:
咱兜滯佇大海中 島嶼四邊是海湧
無暝無日在唱歌 台灣唱出伊的歌
一湧接一湧 前湧消失 後湧來
雖然坎坷無底驚 爬上土地變作希望的笑聲
咱兜滯佇大海中 島嶼四邊是海湧
無暝無日在作夢 台灣唱出伊的夢
一湧接一湧 台灣永遠唱出伊的歌
前湧消失 後湧來 台灣永遠唱出伊的夢
與朋友電話中聊天, 他說很擔心台灣的前途。所以我從優凸下載二支故鄉之歌, 略解這些遊子們難解的鄉思愁。
詞:白蕊 曲:林福裕
詞:白蕊 曲:林福裕
Lyric 歌詞:
咱的故鄉 美麗的島嶼台灣 山綠水青 花蕊四季齊開
Our homeland, beautiful island Taiwan,
Mountain green with water clear,
All flowers blossom for whole season round.
善良的百姓 認真打拼做工 為著光明前途暝日奮鬥
Industrious Taiwanese, doing their jobs endlessly,
For the sake of their future working day and night.
願上帝賜福阮所愛的故鄉台灣 伊是阮心內永遠的母親
May God bless our beloved homeland Taiwan,
To whom is our mother in our heart forever.
No matter how far away you are,
No matter how long you have gone through,
一生一世永遠會思念妳 咱的故鄉台灣
We will think of you the whole life through till eternity,
Our homeland Taiwan!
台灣是咱兜 Taiwan-Our Homeland
詞: 曾貴海 曲: 陳武雄
指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳
演出: 高雄室內合唱團+紅木屐合唱團
2008/2/28 高雄市文化中心至德堂
詞: 曾貴海 曲: 陳武雄
指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳
演出: 高雄室內合唱團+紅木屐合唱團
2008/2/28 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Lyric 歌詞:
咱兜滯佇大海中 島嶼四邊是海湧
無暝無日在唱歌 台灣唱出伊的歌
一湧接一湧 前湧消失 後湧來
雖然坎坷無底驚 爬上土地變作希望的笑聲
咱兜滯佇大海中 島嶼四邊是海湧
無暝無日在作夢 台灣唱出伊的夢
一湧接一湧 台灣永遠唱出伊的歌
前湧消失 後湧來 台灣永遠唱出伊的夢
Monday, March 21, 2011
Brave Taiwanese 勇敢台灣人
轉載Ustream Video 110318
轉載Ustream Video 110318
(Recycle Internet Message 轉載網路資訊)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Too Much Salt 鹽多必失
誤信謠言瘋搶鹽 悔不當初爭退鹽
(Youtube Video)
Social Activity 社交活動
Wind Damage 強風過後
Last night at around 6:15PM, television station reported a tornado and strong wind warning in our area. After warning was lifted, I found these damages.
昨夜6點15分左右, 電視台播出龍捲風和強風路過本地區的警告。解除後,我看到這兩處損壞。

昨夜6點15分左右, 電視台播出龍捲風和強風路過本地區的警告。解除後,我看到這兩處損壞。
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Salt & Radiation 核鹽
日本核災, 中國人搶鹽成國際笑料

(看更多) (You may want to read more 更多多).
Social Activity 社交活動
Modern Farm Equipments 今日農具
On March 16, I posted Antique Farm Equipments. Today, I am going to post a series of modern day farm equipments, to compare past and current farmers' tools. Modern tools save a lot of times and hard labors.
三月十六日我刊登一段古稀農具的影片。今天我要上載一段現代農耕具, 來比較一下古今農夫的工具。這些大型農業機械省了現代農夫很多時間和人力。
三月十六日我刊登一段古稀農具的影片。今天我要上載一段現代農耕具, 來比較一下古今農夫的工具。這些大型農業機械省了現代農夫很多時間和人力。
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sung Chiang Battle Array 宋江陣
Sung Chiang Battle Array History
Sung Chiang Battle Array Running Position
Sung Chiang Battle Array -Centipede
Sung Chiang Battle Array Individual Action
(YouTube Videos 優管影片)
Sung Chiang Battle Array Drumming 宋江陣擊鼓
Sung Chiang Battle Array Drumming
How to play Sung Chiang drumming 1
How to play Sung Chiang drumming 1
How to play Sung Chiang drumming 2
(YouTube Videos 優管影片)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Fort Worth Zoo 福堡動物園
Last year our daughter-in-law took grand-kids and us to the Fort Worth Zoo-Museum of Living Art. We enjoyed the visits especial the country carousel and train rides. I combined some of the pictures I took on 100510 and 101230 into this video.
Sirtea Video 茶翁影片,
Travel 旅遊
God Bless Japan 天佑日本
I post these videos to show my prayer and support to Japan and Japanese brothers and sisters for their relief of suffering and speedy recovery.
借用一段謝長廷先生電視台訪問所吹奏的「祈禱」和三段六首日本童謠作爲我的祈禱向日本網友加油 。祈求上帝保佑日本災民, 早日康復盡速重建。
Japanese Children Rhyme 1
Japanese Children Rhyme 2
Japanese Children Rhyme 3
(Youtube Videos 優管影片)
借用一段謝長廷先生電視台訪問所吹奏的「祈禱」和三段六首日本童謠作爲我的祈禱向日本網友加油 。祈求上帝保佑日本災民, 早日康復盡速重建。
Japanese Children Rhyme 1
Japanese Children Rhyme 2
Japanese Children Rhyme 3
(Youtube Videos 優管影片)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Triangle Of Live
Triangle of Live disaster preparedness Training
Chinese video 中文生命三角影片 text 中文生命三角文字版
(YouTube Video)
Chinese video 中文生命三角影片 text 中文生命三角文字版
American Rescue Team International of San Francisco, California and its founder, Doug Copp, explain in detail new emergency preparedness procedures that can save lives during disasters. You’ll see actual footage of earthquake rescues, building collapse demonstration and in general, a new and effective way of preparing for earthquakes and natural or man-made disasters.
(YouTube Video)
Social Activity 社交活動
世界上最有經驗的救援小組之一-美國國際救援小組(ARTI)的首席救援者,也是災難部經理道格•庫普(Doug Copp)在本影片中解說地震中挽救生命的生命三角。
(YouTube Video)
(YouTube Video)
Social Activity 社交活動
Antique Farm Equipments 古稀農具
去年探訪亞歷桑納州豐年鎮子女時參觀了這家調味品專賣店買一些調味料等物品。 拍下這些鍾犂古董農具(2010/12/24)。
Last year while we were at Goodyear Arizona, we visited Southwest Specialty Store. We bought ass kicking spices (sorry, store sign) and other stuffs. There were about 50 antique John Deere farm equipments on display.
I took these pictures on 101224. I saw a sign for mule parking only. We drove modern mule, so we parked elsewhere; A horse covered with eye protect net; wire sculptures; and an antique outdoor toilet with modern chair for tired visitors.
Last year while we were at Goodyear Arizona, we visited Southwest Specialty Store. We bought ass kicking spices (sorry, store sign) and other stuffs. There were about 50 antique John Deere farm equipments on display.
I took these pictures on 101224. I saw a sign for mule parking only. We drove modern mule, so we parked elsewhere; A horse covered with eye protect net; wire sculptures; and an antique outdoor toilet with modern chair for tired visitors.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Duck Play 鴨戲
Picture of The Day: Duck Play.
Sirtea Garden 茶翁園景
Fire Dance 火燿
Relax! Watch fire, frame dance, and vanishing smoke.
放鬆一下, 來看火燒, 火熖舞, 和飛煙。
放鬆一下, 來看火燒, 火熖舞, 和飛煙。
人生猶如, 燄火焚燒;
燎原照明, 保暖煮食。
短暫生涯, 功過得失;
上主助我, 善用此生。
Play/leisure 遊戲/休閒活動
Monday, March 14, 2011
Ecstasy? 迷魂藥?
Referring to post dated March 10, 2011 迷魂藥 Ecstasy,
the report was untrue. It's only a hoax.
Please be careful while you travel in China.
the report was untrue. It's only a hoax.
Please be careful while you travel in China.
實驗證明,樣品不會引起意識消失、"麻醉”,廣東藥學院藥理係主任譚毓治教授透過錄像說了此番話,以一個當事人的身份為 坊間流傳半年多的“迷魂藥”事件蓋棺定論!昨日(14日)下午,廣州市公安局召開新聞發布會,就去年某媒體所作的關于所謂“迷魂藥”的係列報道,以及其他 一些媒體的紛紛轉載,作出澄清。警方新聞發言人宣布,經過警方嚴肅認真的調查,證實所謂“迷魂藥”純屬子虛烏有。迄今為止,在所謂因被“迷魂”而受害的個 別報案中,根據公安部門的調查,尚沒有一例得到證實。
兩則報導真假請自己判斷。不過, 無風不起浪, 還是小心爲妙!
(Recycle Internet Message 轉載網路訊息)
Social Activity 社交活動
Japan Tsunami Footage 日本海嘯現場
Tsunami waves raging after 8.9 Japan earthquake
A major tsunami swamped North-east Japan. At the center the city of Sendai, where the worst is feared for hundreds perhaps thousands of people. This is a YouTube video reported by CBS.Tsunami waves raging after 8.9 Japan earthquake
Outdoor Scene 戶外情景
We are all Sojourners 咱攏是出外人
蕭泰然博士曲詞: 出外人
Lyric & Melody by Dr. Shiao Tye-ran: The Sojourner
女高音: 周筱倩; 小提琴: 鄭凱俐, 林璇雯, 鄭仕侃; 大提琴: 孫韻涵; 鋼琴: 柯乃方.
We are all sojourners,
Coming from the far away Taiwan;
Although I can speak English,
Yet I can hardly relate my heart to Americans.
We are all away from home,
From a faraway place,
Where our friends and loved ones live,
That we never fail to miss each other.
Everyone says America is like the heaven,
A place where everyone desires to be.
If somebody asks you,
I think you would say, the heaven is not here.
Lyric & Melody by Dr. Shiao Tye-ran: The Sojourner
女高音: 周筱倩; 小提琴: 鄭凱俐, 林璇雯, 鄭仕侃; 大提琴: 孫韻涵; 鋼琴: 柯乃方.
(YouTube Video 優管影片)
咱攏是出外人We are all sojourners,
Coming from the far away Taiwan;
Although I can speak English,
Yet I can hardly relate my heart to Americans.
We are all away from home,
From a faraway place,
Where our friends and loved ones live,
That we never fail to miss each other.
Everyone says America is like the heaven,
A place where everyone desires to be.
If somebody asks you,
I think you would say, the heaven is not here.
Music of the Day 今日音樂
Sunday, March 13, 2011
USA New Boss 美國新頭家
Welcome President Hu Jintao!
Comic/Cartoon 漫畫卡通
Picasso's Painting 畢卡索作品

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Fruit TreeFlowers 果樹花開
Signs of Spring
Flowers of Pear, Peach, Plum, and Prune
are blooming at Sirtea Garden.
Flowers of Pear, Peach, Plum, and Prune
are blooming at Sirtea Garden.

Pictures of the Day 今日照片
Pixar Zoetrope 皮克斯西洋鏡
Pixar Zoetrope in action 皮克斯西洋鏡
動畫的原理: 每秒8到12張以上的連續圖片翻動,
(YouTube Video 優管影片)
Comic/Cartoon 漫畫卡通
Friday, March 11, 2011
Earthquake Tsunami In Japan 110311 日本地震
March 11, 2011 tsunami after 8.9 earthquake rocked Japan,
tsunami in Hawaii, Taiwan, Russia possible.
Youtube video uploaded by ronbellrealtor on Mar 11, 2011.
tsunami in Hawaii, Taiwan, Russia possible.
Youtube video uploaded by ronbellrealtor on Mar 11, 2011.
Outdoor Scene 戶外情景
3-Year-Old Performer 三歲的小演員
3 Years Old Performer Chang Hsin-Yi
(Youtube Video 優管影片)
11:2011年中國中央電視台春節聯歡晚會《薪火相傳梨園美》 演唱《花木蘭》
The Last Rose 最後的玫瑰
Andre Rieu - The Last Rose of Summer.
(Youtube Video 優管影片)
"The Last Rose Of Summer"
Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh.
To reflect back her blushes and give sigh for sigh.
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, to pine on the stem;
Since the lovely are sleeping, go sleep thou with them.
Thus kindly I scatter thy leaves o'er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead.
So soon may I follow when friendships decay,
And from love's shining circle the gems drop away.
When true hearts lie withered and fond ones are flown.
Oh who would inhabit this bleak world alone?
This bleak world alone.
Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh.
To reflect back her blushes and give sigh for sigh.
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, to pine on the stem;
Since the lovely are sleeping, go sleep thou with them.
Thus kindly I scatter thy leaves o'er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead.
So soon may I follow when friendships decay,
And from love's shining circle the gems drop away.
When true hearts lie withered and fond ones are flown.
Oh who would inhabit this bleak world alone?
This bleak world alone.
Music of the Day 今日音樂
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Forbes Billionaires 世界富人
今年富比士富人榜 Forbes Billionaires
(Youtube Video 優管影片)
Social Activity 社交活動
Uniques Shapes 奇形怪像
Rare pictures
Pictures of the Day 今日照片
Ecstasy 迷魂藥
Warning from The Ministry of Public Security Office of People's Republic of China:
If someone approaches you and wants you to smell something while you are traveling in China, be careful not to do it. It's a kind of Ecstasy. It will make you faint, and you will be robbed or even killed.

緊急通知 :
(Recycle Internet Message 轉載網路訊息)
Please see 請看110314Ecstasy? 迷魂藥? 更正 Correction.
If someone approaches you and wants you to smell something while you are traveling in China, be careful not to do it. It's a kind of Ecstasy. It will make you faint, and you will be robbed or even killed.
緊急通知 :
(Recycle Internet Message 轉載網路訊息)
Please see 請看110314Ecstasy? 迷魂藥? 更正 Correction.
Social Activity 社交活動
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tribute To Space Shuttle Discovery
Space Shuttle Discovery takes off for final time.
Shuttle Discovery's final touchdown 3/09/2011.
STS-133 Space Shuttle Discovery Tribute
Astronauts, launch directors and processing leaders recall
space shuttle Discovery's exciting career as its last launch nears.
Miscellaneous 包羅萬象
This Land Is ours 這塊地是我們的
This land, Taiwan, is ours.
臺灣是我們祖傳的土地, 不容許被當作禮物送人。
(Youtube Video 優管影片)
臺灣是我們祖傳的土地, 不容許被當作禮物送人。
(Youtube Video 優管影片)
Music of the Day 今日音樂
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Doomsday 世界末日
Do you know Doomsday Apocalypse is May 21, 2011?
Mm! I don't believe it. But, it's good to know in case,... :) ;) :D
Mm! I don't believe it. But, it's good to know in case,... :) ;) :D
Pictures of the Day 110308 今日照片
(Recycle 回收再用)
Pictures of the Day 今日照片
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fake Coral Reef 假人珊瑚礁
"Bodies" Make Up Fake Coral Reef
Hundreds of life-size human sculptures were recently installed as part of a new underwater sculpture garden off Cancún, Mexico.
Pictures of the Day 今日照片
Important reminder 重要的提醒

If you want to forward any internet message, please delete all previous forwarders’ email addresses.
This will help to protect your friends’ privacy and to reduce unwanted junk emails.
Remember to delete addresses before you hit SEND button.
收到寄來覺得好的郵件耍轉寄給親朋好友分享, 在你點擊送出之前, 請務必將之前寄件等人的郵址先刪除。以確保個人隱私權, 避免郵址被誤用; 也會減少收到閒雜人的郵件和垃圾郵件。
I invite you to forward this reminder to all your correspondents.
Social Activity 社交活動
Sunday, March 6, 2011
TRUCK WRECK 如此的車禍,包死的!
Read the caption on the first photo, then look at the second photo.
Look at the picture above (Just outside Flagstaff , AZ , on U.S. Hwy 100.) and you can see where this driver broke through the guardrail, on the right side of the culvert, where the people are standing on the road, pointing.
The pick-up was traveling about 75 mph from right to left when it crashed through the guardrail. It flipped end-over-end bounced off and across the culvert outlet, and landed right side up on the left side of the culvert, facing the opposite direction from which the driver was traveling.
The 22-year-old driver and his 18-year-old passenger were unhurt except for minor cuts and bruises.
Now look at the second picture below...
看下圖更能體會出其驚險的狀況 ... 然而22歲司機和18歲乘客安然無恙僅受略微碰撞傷, 真命大啊!
If God isn’t done with you, God isn’t done with you…
好險噢, 歸天的時間未到啦!
Read the caption on the first photo, then look at the second photo.

The pick-up was traveling about 75 mph from right to left when it crashed through the guardrail. It flipped end-over-end bounced off and across the culvert outlet, and landed right side up on the left side of the culvert, facing the opposite direction from which the driver was traveling.
The 22-year-old driver and his 18-year-old passenger were unhurt except for minor cuts and bruises.
Now look at the second picture below...
看下圖更能體會出其驚險的狀況 ... 然而22歲司機和18歲乘客安然無恙僅受略微碰撞傷, 真命大啊!

好險噢, 歸天的時間未到啦!
Pictures of the Day 今日照片
Outstanding Pictures 精選圖片
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Email From Rev. Hung 洪牧師來信
洪牧師的近況報告。感謝上帝的恩典, 感謝大家的同心代禱。
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Thank you for your continuous precious prayer support and your concern for my medical treatments. Nearly a year ago a small tumor was found in my lung and liver. But 12 rounds of chemotherapy, one round lasting three days and two nights at hospital and a series of radiation therapy vanished the two tumors. But months later the tumor in my lung recurred and a vague tumor was found in my pelvis. So I resumed radiation therapy and began to take anti-cancer pills daily. I shall undergo a CT scan two or three weeks later to see whether or not the small tumors in my lung and my pelvis have vanished. Meanwhile I take anti-cancer pills daily. Months ago my Christian oncologist Dr. Chiu advised me to see a Christian Chinese medicine doctor Dr. Lin at the same hospital and take herbal medicine, a tonic, to strengthen my immune system. I did and began to take every other morning the Chinese liquid herbal tonic 170cc contained in a plastic bag. I have a good appetite, but I don`t dare to eat too much as the flesh I gain concentrates in my belly and my artificial anus on my belly protrudes more. I gained one kilogram in my weight at Chinese New Year and now I weigh 58 kilograms. Thank the Lord for His grace that practically I have no side effects from my chemotherapy and radiation therapy and anti-cancer pills; there is no pain, no vomiting or hair-falling, only sleep disorder.
Mr. Tsung-Chi Chen, a Taiwanese, age 52, a graduate of the Reformed Seminary in Taipei, not ordained as pastor yet, will begin to serve our church in May as a part-time preacher, not a full-time pastor as he will take a master`s degree courses at the seminary for three years. He will preach two Sundays a month. Other preachers will preach on the other two or three Sundays every month. Of course he will work as a kind of a part-time pastor. Our church does not have to pay him a full salary. He served in the navy and the National Defense Ministry for many years. He receives monthly pension from the National Defense Ministry for the rest of his life. He has been doing translation with missionaries. His wife is a substitute teacher at primary school. He has two sons, age 20 and 18, and a daughter age 9. Please continue to pray for me and our church. May the Lord continue to be with you and bless you all.
Gratefully yours in Christ, D. M. Hung
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Thank you for your continuous precious prayer support and your concern for my medical treatments. Nearly a year ago a small tumor was found in my lung and liver. But 12 rounds of chemotherapy, one round lasting three days and two nights at hospital and a series of radiation therapy vanished the two tumors. But months later the tumor in my lung recurred and a vague tumor was found in my pelvis. So I resumed radiation therapy and began to take anti-cancer pills daily. I shall undergo a CT scan two or three weeks later to see whether or not the small tumors in my lung and my pelvis have vanished. Meanwhile I take anti-cancer pills daily. Months ago my Christian oncologist Dr. Chiu advised me to see a Christian Chinese medicine doctor Dr. Lin at the same hospital and take herbal medicine, a tonic, to strengthen my immune system. I did and began to take every other morning the Chinese liquid herbal tonic 170cc contained in a plastic bag. I have a good appetite, but I don`t dare to eat too much as the flesh I gain concentrates in my belly and my artificial anus on my belly protrudes more. I gained one kilogram in my weight at Chinese New Year and now I weigh 58 kilograms. Thank the Lord for His grace that practically I have no side effects from my chemotherapy and radiation therapy and anti-cancer pills; there is no pain, no vomiting or hair-falling, only sleep disorder.
Mr. Tsung-Chi Chen, a Taiwanese, age 52, a graduate of the Reformed Seminary in Taipei, not ordained as pastor yet, will begin to serve our church in May as a part-time preacher, not a full-time pastor as he will take a master`s degree courses at the seminary for three years. He will preach two Sundays a month. Other preachers will preach on the other two or three Sundays every month. Of course he will work as a kind of a part-time pastor. Our church does not have to pay him a full salary. He served in the navy and the National Defense Ministry for many years. He receives monthly pension from the National Defense Ministry for the rest of his life. He has been doing translation with missionaries. His wife is a substitute teacher at primary school. He has two sons, age 20 and 18, and a daughter age 9. Please continue to pray for me and our church. May the Lord continue to be with you and bless you all.
Gratefully yours in Christ, D. M. Hung
Prayer Request 請代禱
Stone Dishes 石頭宴
Food dishes for your eyes only.
All main Ingredients are STONES.
厨師的傑作: 養眼的石頭宴。
All main Ingredients are STONES.
厨師的傑作: 養眼的石頭宴。
Friday, March 4, 2011
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to my other half!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to my other half!
A Jasmine Flower 一朵苿莉花
Ms Song Zuying songs "A Beautiful Jasmine Flower".
Music of the Day 今日音樂
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Food Carving 蔬果雕
Beautiful fruit and vegetable carving display.
Too Pretty to eat!
Too Pretty to eat!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Picking Asian Pear 挑選東方梨
朋友(老外) 來信問我如何挑選東方梨, 也對本閣評論 原信附於下:
I received this email on 110221 as follows:
“Hello! How are you and your family?
I have a question for you. I know that you grow Asian Pears so you know about them. Can you tell me when to buy them and when they are ripe? I know they are delicious, but it is hit or miss for me to pick a good one.
I look at your blog. You have some fascinating things on there. I liked the picture of Hong Kong going from morning to night. Very nice.”
Pick-your-own Asian pear. Orchards and backyard trees will bear fruit for harvest during the cool fall months.
水果攤挑東方梨? 我是碰運氣而已。那位有秘訣, 請不吝告知。
1 Check the Asian pear trees weekly until they begin to change colors. Some varieties change from green to yellow and others change from yellow to brown. Pick yellow fruits if the Asian pears started out green on the tree, and harvest brown fruits only if the unripened pears on the tree were yellow.
2 Grasp a fruit and gently press it with your hand. Pick the fruit if it no longer feels rock hard. This is a sample fruit which you will taste to determine if the fruit on the tree is ready to be picked.
3 Taste the Asian pear and begin to pick the other fruit from the tree if the sample pear tasted sweet with a high level of juiciness.
4 Pull individual Asian pears off the tree by hand, and pack them into a padded box or bag filled with crumpled newspaper to prevent bruising.
5 Store the fruit in the refrigerator for up to three months.
I hope the above will somehow help her. If anyone has a better way, please let me know.
PS. Thanks for the comments about my Blog.
註: 感謝來信中對本閣的賜教。
I received this email on 110221 as follows:
“Hello! How are you and your family?
I have a question for you. I know that you grow Asian Pears so you know about them. Can you tell me when to buy them and when they are ripe? I know they are delicious, but it is hit or miss for me to pick a good one.
I look at your blog. You have some fascinating things on there. I liked the picture of Hong Kong going from morning to night. Very nice.”
I found this video How to Pick Asian Pears,
and instructions on How to Pick Your Own Asian Pears.
Pick-your-own Asian pear. Orchards and backyard trees will bear fruit for harvest during the cool fall months.
水果攤挑東方梨? 我是碰運氣而已。那位有秘訣, 請不吝告知。
1 Check the Asian pear trees weekly until they begin to change colors. Some varieties change from green to yellow and others change from yellow to brown. Pick yellow fruits if the Asian pears started out green on the tree, and harvest brown fruits only if the unripened pears on the tree were yellow.
2 Grasp a fruit and gently press it with your hand. Pick the fruit if it no longer feels rock hard. This is a sample fruit which you will taste to determine if the fruit on the tree is ready to be picked.
3 Taste the Asian pear and begin to pick the other fruit from the tree if the sample pear tasted sweet with a high level of juiciness.
4 Pull individual Asian pears off the tree by hand, and pack them into a padded box or bag filled with crumpled newspaper to prevent bruising.
5 Store the fruit in the refrigerator for up to three months.
I hope the above will somehow help her. If anyone has a better way, please let me know.
PS. Thanks for the comments about my Blog.
註: 感謝來信中對本閣的賜教。
Deepsea Creatures 海底生物
Underwater creatures
Pictures of the Day 今日照片
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Butterflies 113 蝴蝶集錦
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