Wish you all
A Blessed Christmas and A Prosperous New Tiger 2010 Year!
Pine root beard.
(Left) Edible dry and water soaked wood-ears.
(right) Wood-ears on dead woods.
(左) 乾和水濕食用木耳。
(右) 長在枯木上的野木耳。
Tornado watch was issued for the whole State since last night. Before dawn a gust of 60 miles wind streaked across the upstate. Our neighbor's downed trees damaged our fence.
龍捲風警訊自昨晚就已經發出。今晨大約五點半一陣60 哩速強風吹過我家。隔壁的大樹倒下壓壞我們家的籬笆。
Wind damaged to our next door neighbors' sign, roof, and blocked driveway.
強風損毀了左右鄰居的招牌, 屋頂, 擋住了行車道。
More wind damages were done beyond my neighborhood. Some areas still have no power.
These two types of plant are used for Christmas decoration too.
Nandina Domestica or Heavenly Bamboo, originally from China and Japan, a symbol for good luck. The red berries are winter food for birds. (Description on left).
這種天南竹又名天竺可用來作聖誕過年裝飾物。在中國和日本, 天南竹被視爲吉祥的花木種在庭園中增吉兆。紅果子作鳥類冬天的食品。(看左邊說明)。
Poinsettia plant, also called Christmas Flower or Christmas Star. Having poisonous milk and showy yellow flowers, do not let your kid or pets eat or play with it.
I dreamed about my Alma Mater-Tamkang University last night. Recently, I read about her on Rev. Chuang's Blog (A much diversified blog, I recommend.) He mentioned about their visit to Tamsui on Thanksgiving Day.
To quench my thirst, I searched and found some pictures on the internet. The university grew so big. In my memory, I can only recognize the famous slope steps, the classic lanterns, and unique palace classrooms. I hope I will be able to visit again in person soon.
昨夜我作夢回到我的母校-淡江大學。可能是最近在莊牧師-這是我的部落格, (一個值得推薦內容豐富的部落格。) 看到他們重遊淡水及夫人母校的報導- 感恩節的聚餐 。
這個夢老在我腦中恍。於是上網搜看淡江的照片。淡大本校區闊展得我都難認了。幸好還可看到天天爬上爬下聞名的克難坡, 古典的街燈, 和宫殿式的教室。但願我能盡快回去舊地重遊, 重温年青時的往事。
We had a tornado warning this afternoon. TV weather forecasted a severe thunderstorm would pass through our area between 3:30PM and 4:00PM. With heavy rain and strong wind, the storm passed without touchdown. TV News reported only minor damage. Thank God.