I tried to cook them same way as making jam. This is how I did this dish. (from left up)
1. Wash and let dry.
2. Quarter them.
3. Heat wok with a cup of water add about 2-3 table spoons of soy sauce and katchup (for color and flavor). I didn't add salt nor sugar. You can add to your taste.
4. When boiling, pour in figs. Stir and mix well with sauce.
5. Cover when boil again for 5 minutes, then turn heat down to simmer for 5 more minutes. (longer if you prefer softer).
6. Here is a dish of sweet and sour fig.
每天採摘越來越多的無花菓, 如不處理在5-7天內就會壞掉。
1. 冲洗後濾乾。
2. 切成四分一。
3. 鍋內放約一杯水, 二至三大湯匙的醬油及藩茄醬(作色澤及味道)。我未放盬或糖。(可依自己的口味加盬和糖)
4. 湯汁𣺓開後放入無花菓。略攪拌使之沾汁。
5. 湯汁再𣺓後上蓋, 大火煮約五分鐘, 改用小火續燜五分鐘。(如要爛些則放長時間)
6. 裝盤上桌。 一道開胃又下飯的甜酸無花菓。