Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hook Hands 勾勾手

Children play "let's make a hook".
童心未泯, 來玩「勾勾手」。


Thursday, October 13, 2011

High Construction Job 高空工作

A team of workers built a footpath around the vertiginous slopes of Shifou Mountain in China.
一群中國建築工人在半天高空工作, 還無安全裝備讓外行人驚險得欽佩。

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Salute 敬禮

『比輸軍階 馬向倫斯斐敬禮
國防部長高華柱昨在美國國防部前部長倫斯斐(Donald Rumsfeld)演講前致辭透露,馬英九總統接見倫斯斐時,倫斯斐發現兩人都出身海軍,開玩笑說馬比較資淺,應向他敬禮,結果馬真的向倫斯斐敬禮。』
報導說是玩笑, 我的笫一個反應是馬有失國格。非關軍階高低資歷深淺, 「馬的」是代表台灣(中華民國)國家正式接見一位外國退任的國防部長; 中華民國(台灣)總統是三軍統帥, 倫斯斐理應向馬英九敬禮才是, 那有馬向倫斯斐敬禮的道理。有失外交禮儀, 自扁身份不可取。在非正式的場合開開玩笑輕鬆氣氛則人之常情。
喔, 這不是笫一次, 陳雲林在馬接見時不稱他總統, 叫他「您」。飽讀四書五經的人 這樣不自重又如何讓別人敬重呢。

Same Root 同根生

Taiwan ≠ China. Taiwan ∫ China ∑ Regional Harmony→World Peace.


茶翁說:「既然都是同根生, 何必以一千多顆飛彈對準台灣, 在台中國人又何必吵嚷要回歸中國; 中國, 台灣兄友弟恭和睦共生, 多好啊。」
「喔, 在台灣要與中國統一的人, 請儘管回你的中國去歸根落葉吧。」

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Child Drowning Prevention 小孩溺水

Teach your infants and young children how to swim, drowning prevention strategy.

參考用 For further reference: http://www. index.html

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thru Sky Window 觀天窗外

Looking through my host's sky window at Surprise, Arizona, I took these pictures on September 14, 2011 around 10:05 AM. Dark cloud appeared on sky, a good chance for rain. Music: A Little Umbrella (in Taiwanese).

在亞利桑納州奇遇市作客時, 從室內一個天窗看窗外時拍下這些照片, 時間是九月十四日上午約10點。天黑黑要落雨, 加上一隻小雨傘音效配樂。

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Beloved Taiwan 心愛的台灣

Lyric by Dr. George Mackay from his memoirs From Far Formosa, a missionary from Canada in 1872. Dr.Mackay established a new educational system, esp. for female education. He also brought in new western civilization , new plants and medical sources. During his 29 years missionary work Dr. Mackay founded over 60 churches. Approximately half million people have received or affected by his programs though his missionary stay in Taiwan. He was buried in Taiwan.

歌詞出自馬偕台灣回憶錄From Far Formosa。最早的教育學府—牛津學堂,是馬偕自1872年由加拿大來台宣教中,對於台灣人民最大的貢獻;一八七二年三月九日,加拿大基督長老教會宣教師馬偕叡理(Rev.Dr.George Leslie Mackay) 登陸淡水,作佈教、教育及醫療工作。擇定淡水砲台埔小山丘上,興建校舍,並親自規劃監工,1882年校舍建成後,為感念其家鄉安大略省牛津郡(Oxford County)居民的捐助,遂命名Oxford College,中文名為:理學堂大書院,後人稱之為牛津學堂。馬偕過世後葬於台灣。

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Butterfly Circus 蝴蝶馬戲團

A magical & meaningful short film about Nick Vujicic.

參閱前文Previous post Life Without Limbs 無臂者的活力

Friday, October 7, 2011

Awakening Taiwanese 覺醒台灣人

I believe that Taiwanese will make an intelligent choice in choosing next Taiwanese President on January 14, 2012.

我相信台灣人已經漸漸地覺醒, 在明年一月十四日選舉會選出真正服務台灣各階層人民的福祉特別是對工農民和弱勢群體關心照顧的總統和立委。

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fish Story 看魚兒

Can you hear the story they are telling? Hungry, cold, too salty, ... No. Their master takes care of them. Be not anxious. Be content. Our father in heaven knows that we need all these things. (Matthew 6:25-34)

來聽聽魚兒跟我們講故事: 他們在喊餓, 說水太冷, 太鹹, ... 。非也, 他們的主人會照顧他們的。不要操心, 要知足。我們的天父知道我們所需的一切。(馬太福亯6章25-34節)