Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tiananmen Massacre 天安門大屠殺

June 4, 1989 Review


Read more 閱讀 Tiananmen Mothers 天安門母親網站

Yield To Pedestrians 車讓行人

A warning Traffic Sign for vehicle drivers.
烏龍標誌「行車讓人禍不單行」掛一個月被發現 原是電腦設錯
轉載台視新聞2011/6/3 黃識軒 報導


尤其一個月下來,中控室人員居然都沒有察覺,讓這個大笑話曝光了一個月 很多用路人看到斗大的「行車讓人,禍不單行」、心中都滿是問號,一開始還以為是自己眼花看錯,仔細一看才有了答案,政府應該是要宣導 行車不禮讓 禍不單行啦 只不過少了一個不字 真的差很大。


For Man 男士用

Holland outdoor for "Man" only.

You might like to see 你可能要看這段影片
Restroom Signs 厠所標誌

Friday, June 3, 2011

Free Green Onion 送你蔥

Buy any kind of vegetables get free green onion.
What an incredible talent.

中國達人秀- 買菜就送你蔥。

(YouTube Video)

Bus Crash 長巴翻車

New York bound long distance bus crashed near Greensboro, NC.


(Picture source: World Journal)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day Lilies 黃萱花

Blooming Day Lilies

Endeavour Landed 奮進號到家

STS-134 Lands, Endeavour Completes Last Mission

Endeavour returns to Earth at the end of its final mission, STS-134. During the flight, Commander Mark Kelly and crews (Mission specialists Andrew Feustel, Mike Fincke, Roberto Vittori, Greg Chamitoff and Pilot Greg Johnson) delivered the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to the International Space Station.

Last Station Fly-around for Space Shuttle Endeavour

Space shuttle Endeavour undocked from the International Space Station at 11:55 p.m. EDT Sunday, May 29, ending a stay of 11 days, 17 hours and 41 minutes at the orbiting laboratory.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Light Illuminated 光之影

Light illuminated scenes this dark morning at 5:00am.

Chang Yu's Five Nudes 常玉油畫「五裸女」

Sanyu’s largest nude “Five Nudes” takes the stage in Ravenel Spring Auction 2011 Hong Kong.

Sanyu (Chang Yu) (Chinese-French, 1901-1966)
Title: Five Nudes
Painted in 1950s Oil on masonite
Size: 120 x 175 cm
Signed lower right Yu in Chinese and Sanyu in French
Sold: HKD 128,320,000=TWD475,259,259=USD16,493,573


據新浪網報導:5月30日,羅芙奧(香港)舉行了“現代與當代藝術”專場拍賣。在下午的拍賣中,來自常玉的《五裸女》不負眾望,以1.28億港幣(1.07億人民幣)的價格創造了華人油畫價格新紀錄,打破了不久前嘉德拍賣中陳逸飛《山地風》 8165萬人民幣的中國油畫拍場價格紀錄,成為最高價的一幅華人油畫。


《五裸女》是常玉畢生中最大幅裸女主題油畫,曾在1988年台北市立美術館“中國- 巴黎:早期旅法中國畫家回顧展”中首度曝光,也是陳炎峰編著的《華裔美術選集我,常玉》畫冊封面與封底作品。歷年拍場上常玉作品較多是花卉題材,少有其裸女油畫主題的拍賣。目前已知的常玉裸女油畫不過五十一幅,且多數採臥姿,站姿華麗的“五裸女”極為稀有,這樣一件作品打破記錄也在眾多行家的意料之中。 (來源:新浪網)

Butterflies 116 蝴蝶集錦

Beautiful Butterflies