Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bad Weather 壞天氣

Tornado warning cancelled a few minutes ago.
Let's listen to the sound of rain, wind, and passing trucks.

A Single Show 一隻獨秀

These unique objects, a fig、a mushroom and a crane, are found in Sirtea Garden.
這些唯一的東西-獨一無花果、單一野菇和孤零零的鶴, 是茶翁家園的景物。

A fig hung on the bare fig tree. Picture taken on 101124.
I found this six inch diameter mushroom this morning.
今晨拍攝 6英吋直徑的野菇。
It was drizzling when I took this lone crane this morning.
We were about 75 feet apart.
今晨我拍攝這隻獨鶴時正下着毛毛雨, 㸰和我相離約75呎遠。

Marvelous Recovery 槍傷奇蹟


Julie Andrews 茱麗 安竹絲

Famous actress, singer, and author-Julie Andrews.

著名女演員, 歌星, 作家-茱麗安竹絲

"The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music"

Monday, November 29, 2010

Computer Maintenance 電腦維護

Computer Maintenance Tips 電腦維護秘訣

Charles Stewart Jr. has been working with both Windows-based and Mac-based computers for more than 10 years.
Make a computer faster by checking the system's hard drive and eliminating unwanted items to free up space. Learn to make a computer run faster with tips from a computer specialist in this free video on computers.

Basic PC Maintenance 電腦基本維護 1
Part 1: 3 Easy Steps To Speed Up Your Computer

Computer maintenance 101. These are simple and helpful tips that everyone should know in order to help keep their PC running at an optimal level.
Three easy steps to speed up / boost your computer's performance, remove and clean out clutter / unnecessary files, defragment your drive and turn off start up programs that slow down your system's performance.

After Holiday 假日後

This is our after Thanksgiving Holiday meal. Green & yellow peppers, bitter melons, and Taiwanese squashes are Sirtea Garden's produces. We have good harvest this year.

這是感恩節後所享受的大餐。綠黃兩色辣椒, 苦瓜, 和臺灣菜(絲)瓜是茶翁家園的產品。冰箱還有不少, 有些放在凍庫裡留待慢慢享受, 因爲今年好收成。

5 Greatere Cities Election Episode 五都選舉插曲

Election Episode-Gun Shot

這次連勝文槍擊事件對五都選舉的影響有見人見智的看法, 還是讓專家㥃去分析。倒是從醫治的過程和受害者連勝文手術後的反應產生不少想不通的疑問, 茲列出三篇文章供參考:

不怎麼合乎醫學邏輯的槍傷 (
◎ 王國城

連勝文癒合能力驚人? (

奪槍救連勝文 劉振南是竹聯元老 (

巧合, 預謀, 裝假, 疑點多多. 此案可有大白的一天?!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Relax A While 休息一會兒

Finally, it's temporary over.
Sit down, relax.
Watch Sadie's belly dance.

坐下來, 休息一下。

For The Unborn 給胎兒

No, this is not a belly belt. It is an instrument to play music for the baby in the womb, who shares her mother‘s MP3 music. Wow...


Saturday, November 27, 2010

5 Greater Cities Election Result 五都選舉結果

This is the 5 greater city Mayors election vote (unofficial) counts. May God Bless Taiwan. Please keep on praying for Taiwan's future.

這是臺灣大五都市長選舉( 非官方) 結果。願神保佑臺灣。我們也可回頭來看看那些名嘴, 半仙,評論選舉預測結果啦。請繼續爲臺灣的前途禱告。

Representatives Result 市議員選舉結果