Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ice Fire Land 冰火宴

My 3rd uncle and his wife invited us to lunch at the Ice Fire Land Restaurant in Flushing Queens on Jan. 13, 2010.
The owner, Mr Chuang said, "Eating is a species of art. I want to bring guests a very comfortable feeling and have a healthy delicious hot pot meal."
We all enjoyed the hot pot on that cold winter day. Yes, Ice Fire Land is the best place for Hot Pot (Shabu Shabu).

我們大家都說這一餐價廉物美又好吃的火鍋, 真有賓至如歸的享受。

Ice Fire Land 冰火宴
135-11 40th Road, Flushing, NY 11354
Tel. 718-886-8600

Rainbow 彩虹

If you want to see a rainbow, you have to have "rain" first.

如果你想看彩虹, 那你必須先有場「雨」。

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Redirect 被挾制

If you found your blog was redirected after a few seconds/minutes to some strange commercial sites, the following informations maybe of help to you.
The Real Blogger Status said, "Be very wary of third party blog accessories."
Look carefully in your blog content, for any recently installed (maybe 2-3 months old) blog accessory installed using Add A Gadget such as Countdown Counter, Quotes, Fish Tank, Paintball, Falling Snow, muscial instrument- guitar or violin, ... etc.
Remove all these suspected gadgets one by one. Clear temporary internet files and history from your security setting. Good Luck!

如果發現開啓你的部落格幾秒或分鐘後被挾持到一些莫名其妙的商業網站, 下列資料可能有助於免去你的頭痛。
仔細看查你部落格的內容。 你最近兩、參個月內所安裝的部落格小工具如: 計時計算器、某人格言、魚缸、繪球、飃雪、吉他小提琴等樂器、... 等。將這些小工具一個一個删除, 還要將暫時網路檔案和歷史從你的安全設定中清除去。

Bird's-eye View 鳥瞰

I took these pictures when my plane approaching New York City on Jan. 6, 2010.

這些照片是今年1月6日當飛機接近紐約市上空時拍攝的。可看到自由女神、帝國大廈、聯合國、網球場、1964世博舊址, ... 等等。

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Snow Pictures 更多雪景

Here are some February/March, 2010 snow pictures I took around my house in New York City. Previous post February NYC Snow.

上次的記載, 請看二月紐約雪

Snow! Snow! Go away! 雪啊! 雪啊! 快停啦!

New Ten Commendments 新十誡

自稱是天主教徒的馬英九, 爲選票到處燒香拜佛。他以爲自己是誰? 神佛! 摩西三世!

President Ma Ying-Jeou of Taiwan proclaimed the New Ten Commendments. The Tablet was placed on the altar of a aborigine Christian Church.

1. You shall not kill any living being. 一. 不殺生
2. You shall not steal. 二. 不偷盜
3. You shall not commit adultery. 三. 不邪淫
4. You shall not gossip/lie. 四. 不妄語
5. You shall not drink wine/spirit. 五. 不飲酒
6. You shall not smoke, do drugs, chew betel nuts. 六. 不抽煙、不吸毒、不嚼檳榔
7. You shall not gamble, no opportunistic. 七. 不賭博、不投機取巧
8. You shall honor/obey your parents, reconcile with sensuous delight. 八. 孝順父母, 調和聲色
9. You shall obey traffic rules. 九. 遵守交通規則
10. You shall not participate in political activities, anti-government demonstrations. 十. 不參與政治活動、示威遊行

I wonder who is he? Moses III? god? (Ex-President Lee Teng-Fei alias Moses Lee).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Party For Seniors 敬老聯歡

Chinese American Women Commerce Association (CAWCA) sponsored the 2010 Lunar New Year's Party for seniors in Flushing, New York. There were more than 300 seniors attended. Enjoyed a delicious meal and show performences. Every senior received special gifts and a good luck red envelope.

紐約華裔婦女總商會在發拉盛舉辦農曆年春節聯歡敬老餐會。計有三百多位耆老們參加同樂聯歡。飽餐一頓、抽奬、猜謎得奬外, 每位參加者得到一份精美禮物, 還有一個發財好運紅包。

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let Go 放手

"The Kingdom of God is the vast inner space in which nothing except God lives. As soon as I enter that space, I disappear. Throw in your sorrow, hurt, anger, fear ... anything, it just disappears." - P.H. -
上帝的國度是廣闊的內在空間, 空無一物僅祗神住在其中。當自我進入其空間, 自我就消失了。拋擲入你的憂愁、創傷、噴怒、恐懼 ... 等任何大小事, 它即刻消失於其間。」-博-

"Leave all your worries with Him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
「要把一切的憂慮卸給祂, 因為祂關心你們。」(彼得前書5章7節)

Let go and let God. Do our part and God will take care of the rest. Trust God.
放手讓神接手。盡力作完我們所能作的, 其他的神會處理。交託給神。

Wedding Anniversary 結婚週年

Have a Happy Wedding Anniversary!