Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bitter Melon 苦瓜

These bitter melons are the first home grown crop of the season.
The easiest way is to eat it raw as salad.
My sister, Jin, likes to make plenty of bitter melon tea and jam with the leftover melon meat.
Today, I am going to blanch it in boiling water for about 2 minutes and enjoy it as soup.
自家種的瓜菜中苦瓜第一個先熟了, 採下來作菜。
苦瓜可生吃, 熬成苦瓜茶, 苦瓜炒肉, 苦瓜排骨, 苦瓜釀肉, ... 等很多作法。
聽說苦瓜可減糖尿病的糖分。 不知真有效嗎?

Progress Record 進展紀錄

(Photo 090706 拍攝)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Burger Bite Measurer 漢堡量尺

Print it, cut it, and fold it. You have a new tool to play with. :o)

印出它, 剪下, 對摺,就有一個新玩具。用它來量所咬那一口漢堡有多大啊!
(Recycle 回收再用 090625)

Arizona Desert 亞利桑納州沙漠

Images around suburb of City of Surprise.

奇遇市郊的沙漠景像。 (090630 攝)

Desert Flowers 沙漠花嬌

Desert Flowers in Mary's front and back yards.
媚妹家前後院盛開的沙漠花朵。 (090626 攝)

Blooming Desert flowers in Mark's backyard.
馬哥家後院艶麗的花朵。 (090628 攝)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Painting 繪畫

C-boy's painting.

090510 C-boy's Mother's Day gift to Nai-Nai (Grandma).


3 Birthday Cakes 三個生日蛋糕

3 Birthday celebrations in 7 days.
Left cake for 1-year-old L-girl.
Right 2 for 3-year-old twin boys J & J (2 parties in 2 different days).
雙胞 J與J 兩兄弟滿三歲(舉行二次, 一次親朋好友一次自家人)。

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Father's Day in Church 090621 慶祝父親節

After Sunday worship service, our church had a Father's Day party.
Fathers were called to entertain our wives, children, and all.
Laughters with applause filled the social hall. We had a wonderful time together.

In Flushing NY 090619 在紐約發拉盛

I went to Dr. Yang for physical check up. After blood pressure pumped, blood drew, urine...
I made appointments with Cardiologist Dr. Chiu, Urologist Dr. Liang, and bone density scan Lab (for male???) all on 6-22-09. In addition to my current medicine and vitamines, I have 2 more new pills to take.
Next, I went to see the 2009 Four Men's Photography Show featuring the works of my friends Dr. Lee (Wide View), Mr. Lu (Walls), Dr. Huang (Africa), and Dr. Wu (Dream World).
And, of course, I had late lunch at the little diner and enjoyed a delicious fish ball meal.

去楊醫師診所作身体檢查。經量血壓,抽血,驗尿,.... 後, 約好6-22-09 去看心臟科趙醫師, 䏟尿科梁醫師, 及驗骨質密度 (男人要驗??? 楊醫師可能太過敏了吧!)。
之後, 去文教中心看四人攝影展。我的老朋友們陸攝影師(牆),李教授(西藏寛㬌), 黃醫師(非洲之旅),及吳醫師(夢境)。讓耳目心享受一下攝影專家們的精心傑作。 回家之前上『老王記』享受一頓可口又實惠的魚丸米粉。
PS. 090706 Dr. Yang reviewed my reports. Scan and tests showed no new changes.
I need to watch my diet, blood pressure and take medicine regularly. See all 3 doctors in 3 months.
註: 07-06-09楊醫師告知檢驗結果無新的狀況出現。

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tree Down 090618 樹倒

A 100 MPH wind knocked down this big old oak tree on early morning of 6/18/09.
It broke the security light post into 3 pieces, and damaged to the picnic table/bench.
Thank God. Nobody was hurt, no building nor vechiles were damaged.
This incident costed us $2,000.00 to have the whole tree removed.
Quite an unexpected expense!
6-18-09 清晨一陣百浬速強風吹倒了這棵百年老樹,