Sirtea 茶翁

This is my journal: It records my thoughts, my cares, my struggles, my achievement and failure, my observation of life and nature, internet circulation、treasures、or recycled junks I found, ... . If you stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, I welcome you. Thank you for your visit and comments. Hurry back!
這裡紀錄著我的生活點滴:我在想些什麼, 做那些事, 關心何事, 我的得與失, 我對人與自然觀察所得, 網路資訊、撿到寳貝、或是古物回收,... 。如果您是專程特地來訪或是無意中路過, 我誠心歡迎您。多謝您來訪及留言指教。請再來噢!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Taiwan 228 Hero 二二八英雄



右寫:高耀蒼先生 雅政
 可參考<岡山名醫--高再祝醫生> ... p;extra=&page=1

Kao Family picture
(Back Row Left 1st-Dr. Kao Zai-Fu was my neighbor
and one of my family doctors in Kaohsiung.)
Read more Remember Taiwan 228 二二八追思

228 Kaohsiung Incident 二二八高雄事件

※Remember Taiwan 228 Incident.※

Kaohsiung massacre 高雄大屠殺。

Read more Remember Taiwan 228 二二八追思

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Little Bit Late 拜晚年

I know it's a little bit late to say "Happy Rabbit Year".
The artwork is very beautiful.
I made them into a video with a happy new year song.

朋友傳來賀年圖文並荗, 我將它改成動畫配上賀年歌。
拜個晚年, 祝大家兔年如意!

228 Memorial Song 二二八掉念曲

228 Memorial Song 二二八掉念曲

Jasmine Movement 苿莉花遍開

Listen to Fong Fei-Fei sings "Song of Jasmine". Support human right movement in mid Asia, Taiwan, China, Korea, and other areas.

聽聽鳯飛飛唱的老歌「好一朵美麗的苿莉花」, 來支援中東的苿莉花革命和臺、中、韓、及其他地方的苿莉花運動。

Saturday, February 26, 2011

China Next Egypt 中國將變天

Will China become next Egypt?
Answer: YES.


Flower Talk 花語

Beautiful flower arrangement.
好美的花卉 借花傳情誼

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011


朋友傳來一篇吳玲瑤的精采語(分享於下)。呣! 吳玲瑤是何等人物?

上網查到吳玲瑤網站。原來她這麼有成就, 真是不識泰山:

吳玲瑤女士,西洋文學碩士, 海外華文女作家協會第十屆會長,美國暢銷幽默作家。

想當年: 身材就是身材,體格就是體格:
現在是: 從後面看想犯罪,從旁邊看想撤退,從正面看想防備

一旦累死了, 就會有別的女人花你的錢,住你的房,愛你的老公,打你的娃!
減肥, 天哪,我的衣服又瘦了!不吃飽哪有力量減肥啊。

罵不完的狐狸精 。


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NYC Snow 紐約市雪景

Beautiful snow pictures - Queens, New York City.
Yes, it's very beautiful.
Lots of shoveling to do.


Answer Prayer 有求必應


I believe that God only gives three answers to prayer:
1. 'Yes!'
2. 'Not yet.'
3! 'I have something better in mind.'

God still sits on the throne in charge of everything, and the devil is a liar to deceive you.

You may be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that you cannot imagine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hymnal 唱詩歌


Dentist's Hymn - Crown Him with Many Crowns
Weatherman's Hymn - There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
Contractor's Hymn - The Church is One Foundation
The Tailor's Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer's Hymn - There's a Green Hill Far Away
The Politician's Hymn - Standing on the Promises!
Optometrist's Hymn - Open My Eyes That I Might See
The IRS Agent's Hymn -I Surrender All
The Gossip's Hymn - Pass It On
The Electrician's Hymn - Send The Light
The Shopper's Hymn - Sweet Bye and Bye
The Realtor's Hymn - I've Got a Mansion, Just Over the Hilltop
The Massage Therapists Hymn - He Touched Me
The Doctor's Hymn - The Great Physician

For those who speed on the highway:
55 mph - God Will Take Care of You
75 mph - Nearer My God To Thee
85 mph -This World Is Not My Home
95 mph -Lord, I'm Coming Home
100 mph - Precious Memories

Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life,
And live my days full of your peacefulness.


Hail Storm 冰雹

Hail Storm In Phoenix 鳳凰城冰雹奇觀

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trusting God 交託給神

Thought For Today
"Do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes? ... Can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it?" (Matthew 6:25-27)
「不要爲了生活上所需的飲食, 或者身上所穿的衣服操心。難道生命不比飲食重要, 身體不比衣服重要嗎? ... 你們當中又有誰能夠藉著憂慮多活幾天呢?」(馬太福音6章25-27節)

I remind myself to trust in God. He will provide.
我不時提我自己要信靠神, 衪會供給的。


購物回到車上發動車子後, 如果發現後窗黏貼着紙片, 勿即刻下車要拿掉它, 等開出停車場後才停下來拿掉它, 以免車子和手提包被劫走。小心劫車新招。



Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating.. . You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse..

When you look into the rear view mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car.

And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car. So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!


If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this e-mail. I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of personal information and identification documents, and you certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

God Be With You 願神佑您

I delicate this song to you.
May the Lord bless you and keep you!

May the good Lord bless and keep you whether near or far away
May you find that long awaited golden day today
May your troubles all be small ones and your fortunes ten times ten
May the good Lord bless and keep you till we meet again
May you walk with sunlight shining and a bluebird in every tree
May there be a silver lining back of every cloud you see
Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you till we meet again
May you walk with sunlight shining) and a bluebird in every tree
May there be a silver lining back of every cloud you see
Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you till we meet again

How I Look? 好看嗎?

What's this? Art? 這是藝術嗎?
Mommy, how I look? 媽咪, 好看嗎?
Oh, My God! Very scary !!!!!
哇! 憨仔, 驚死人噢!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hong Kong At Dusk 香港夜色

按此看香港自下午6:10至7:40 (從圖上往下移動) 夜色的神奇變化。

Hong Kong at Dusk
Click this link to see a changing Hong Kong at dusk.
Place your cursor at the top of the photo. You will notice it is 6:10 PM.
Bring the mouse down slowly over the photo without pressing the button on the mouse. Do not right or left click.
Night time appears, the lights come on, and at 7:40 PM, it's dark!
I think this is photo technology at its best!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

True Love 真摯的愛

God love us.
Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Related Post 相關貼文
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Papaya 木瓜

在藥廠任職的陳姊傳來這份資料: 木瓜對乳癌和攝護腺癌的好處! 反正常吃它也是一份享受啊!

Eat Papaya and stay healthy

Papaya was the only studied food found to halt breast cancer and good for prostate cancer.

Scientists studied 14 plant foods commonly consumed in Mexico to determine their ability to halt breast cancer cell growth. These included avocado, black sapote, fuava, mango, prickly pear cactus (nopal), pineapple, grapes, tomato, and papaya. They also evaluated beta-carotene, total plant phenolics, and gallic acid contents and antioxidant capacity. They found that only papaya had a significant effect on stopping breast cancer cell growth. (International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, May)

Papaya is a store-house of cancer fighting lycopene.

The intense orangey-pink color of papaya means it is chock full of cancer fighting carotenoids. Not only beta carotene, but lycopene is found in abundance. The construction of lycopene makes it highly reactive toward oxygen and free radicals.

Scientists at the University of Illinois think this anti-oxidant activity contributes to its effectiveness as a cancer fighting agent. Epidemiological studies have indicated an inverse relationship between lycopene intake and prostate cancer risk. They showed that oral lycopene is highly bioavailable, accumulates in prostate tissue, and is localized in the nucleus of prostate epithelial cells.

In addition to antioxidant activity, other experiments have indicated that lycopene induces cancer cell death, anti-metastatic activity, and the up-regulation of protective enzymes. Phase I and II studies have established the safety of lycopene supplementation. (Cancer Letter, October 8, 2008)

Prostate cancer was the subject of a study in Australia that looked at 130 prostate cancer patients and 274 hospitalized controls. The scientists found that men who consumed the most lycopene-rich fruits and vegetables such as papaya were 82% less likely to have prostate cancer. In this study, green tea also exerted a powerful anti-cancer effect. When lycopene-rich foods were consumed with green tea, the combination was even more effective, an outcome the researchers credited to their synergy. ( Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007)

Isothiocyanates found in papaya restore the cell cycle to eliminate cancer

Organo-sulfur compounds called isothiocyanates are found in papaya. In animal experiments, isothiocyanates protected against cancers of the breast, lung, colon pancreas, and prostate, as well as leukemia, and they have the potential to prevent cancer in humans. Isothiocyanates have shown themselves capable of inhibiting both the formation and development of cancer cells through multiple pathways and mechanisms. (International Journal of Oncology), October, 2008)

Researchers in Japan clarified the mechanisms of action in a type of isothiocyanate found in papaya known as BITC, that underlies the relationship between cell cycle regulation and appropriate cell death. When cancerous cells die on schedule, they are no longer a problem. The researchers established that BITC exerted cancer cell killing effects that were greater in the proliferating cells than in the quiescent cells. Cancer cells that are proliferating are much more dangerous than cancer cells that are in a state of dormancy. (Forum of Nutrition, 2009)

Enzymes from papaya digest proteins including those that protect tumors

The fruit and other parts of the papaya tree, also known as the paw paw tree, contain papain and chymopapain, powerful proteolytic enzymes that facilitate chemical reactions in the body. They promote digestion by helping to break down proteins from food into amino acids that can be recombined to produce protein useable by humans. Proteolytic enzymes protect the body from inflammation and help heal burns. They do a good job of digesting unwanted scar tissue both on the skin and under its surface.
Research has shown that the physical and mental health of people is highly dependent on their ability to produce proteins they can use effectively. However, as people age, they produce less of the enzymes needed to effectively digest proteins from food and free needed amino acids. They are left with excessive amounts of undigested protein which can lead to overgrowth of unwanted bacteria in the intestinal tract, and a lack of available amino acids.

Eating papaya after a meal promotes digestion, and helps prevent bloating, gas production, and indigestion. It is quite helpful after antibiotic use to replenish friendly intestinal bacteria that were the casualties in the war against the unwanted bacteria. When the intestinal tract is well populated with friendly bacteria, the immune system is strengthened, and can better protect against flu and cancer.

Being a proteolytic enzyme, papain is able to destroy intestinal parasites, which are composed mostly of protein. To rid the body of intestinal parasites, half a cup of papaya juice can be alternated each hour for twelve consecutive hours with the same amount of cucumber or green bean juice.

Papaya contains fibrin, another useful compound not readily found in the plant kingdom. Fibrin reduces the risk of blood clots and improves the quality of blood cells, optimizing the ability of blood to flow through the circulatory system. Fibrin is also important in preventing stokes. Proteolytic enzymes containing fibrin are a good idea for long plane rides to minimize the potential of blood clots in the legs. People who sit at a desk all day might want to use proteolytic enzymes too.
Proteolytic enzymes are able to digest and destroy the defense shields of viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts, and various forms of fungus. Once the shield is destroyed, tumors and invading organisms are extremely vulnerable and easily taken care of by the immune system.
Undigested proteins can penetrate the gut and wind up in the bloodstream where they are treated by the immune system as invaders. If too many undigested proteins are floating around, the immune system becomes overburdened and unable to attend to the other tasks it was meant to do. Proteolytic enzymes can digest these rogue proteins, freeing up the immune system.

Let's ensure a slice of papaya every day in our diet.
Papaya juice will be great. (Recycle Internet Message 網路回收)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Year Of Rabbit 兔年

Happy Lunar New Year

!HappyNewYear! !
恭賀新禧! 福杯滿溢! 兔年如意!